Form 9423


(4.9 / 5) 85 votes

Get your Form 9423 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 9423
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 9423
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 9423

What is form 9423?

Form 9423 is used to prevent or appeal some of the IRS actions under the Collection Appeals Program (CAP), including a levy or seizure action, a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) filing, and so on.

Form 9423 Screenshot

What I need form 9423 for?

This form allows a taxpayer to disagree with certain collection actions, possibly cancelling them, and remains one of the simplest ways to avoid possible tax consequences. Form 9423 requires that you provide information about yourself as a taxpayer, specify which of the IRS collection actions you disagree with – and explain why exactly you think these actions should be prevented or reversed. Your explanation will then be reviewed, and a decision will be provided by the IRS Office of Appeals.

How to fill out form 9423?

Filling out form 9423 requires that you submit all of the necessary information about yourself and your case:

  • In the first section, you need to enter your name, your SSN/EIN, your phone and street address, and to fill some other important fields, including Type of tax and Tax due fields. Don’t forget to submit your representative’s name and phone, too – and attach a copy of form 2848 to your request. It’s important to be as thorough and truthful as possible since providing false or incomplete information will possibly result in unwanted consequences, voiding Appeals’ decision;
  • The second section requires your detailed explanation of why you disagree with the IRS actions – and how you think your case should be resolved. If your explanation ends up lengthy, attach an additional page. Feel free to attach any other documents that may support the claims;
  • The last section is designed for the IRS representatives only, so you should leave it blank.

Organizations that work with form 9423

  • Taxpayers contesting IRS actions.
Fillable online Form 9423
(4.9 / 5) 85 votes
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