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Form MO-1040V - Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher

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Get your Form MO-1040V - Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form MO-1040V - Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form MO-1040V - Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form MO-1040V - Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher

What Is The MO-1040V Form Used For

Form MO-1040V, commonly referred to as the "payment voucher," is used to accompany payments of owed taxes to the state of Missouri. If you find that you owe state taxes when completing your return, you'll use this form to submit your payment.

How to Fill Out MO-1040V

Form MO 1040-V screenshot

  1. At the top of Form MO-1040V, you'll be asked to provide your Social Security Number (or that of the primary taxpayer if filing jointly) and your full name (and spouse's name if applicable).
  2. The next section requires you to furnish your current address, including the city, state, and ZIP code.
  3. Here, you will input the amount of money you owe. Ensure the amount listed matches your calculations on the accompanying tax return.
  4. In this section, make sure you reference the appropriate line numbers from your Missouri State Tax Return where the payment amount is mentioned.
  5. Finally, you (and your spouse if filing jointly) need to sign and date the form, verifying that the information provided is accurate.

Once you've filled out Form MO-1040V, it's crucial to mail it to the appropriate address provided by the Missouri Department of Revenue, along with your payment, unless you choose to pay online:

Missouri Department of Revenue

P.O. Box 371 Jefferson City,

MO 65105-0371 

Form Versions

2022 Form MO-1040V (2022) Fill Out Form

FAQ: MO1040V Payment Voucher Popular Questions

  • Can I pay MO-1040V online?

    Yes, taxpayers have the convenience of paying MO 1040V online. The Missouri Department of Revenue provides an online portal where payments can be submitted securely. Using the online method is often faster and provides an immediate confirmation of payment.

  • Do I always need to use the MO-1040V payment voucher?

    Form MO-1040V is only necessary if you owe taxes and are making a payment by mail. If you're receiving a refund or if you're paying your owed taxes online, you won't need to use this form.

  • What happens if I fill out the MO-1040V form incorrectly?

    If there are errors in your MO 1040V form, it might lead to delays in processing or potential discrepancies in your payment. Always double-check your information, and if you're unsure, consult with a tax professional.

  • How can I ensure my payment is processed correctly?

    When paying MO 1040V online, make sure to receive and save the confirmation of your payment. If you're mailing your payment, consider using certified mail to get a receipt as proof that your payment was delivered.

Fillable online Form MO-1040V - Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher
(4.8 / 5) 108 votes
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