TD1ON-WS 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return


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Get your TD1ON-WS 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill TD1ON-WS 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return
  • 02 Sign it online Sign TD1ON-WS 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export TD1ON-WS 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return

What Is Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return TD1ON WS 2024?

The Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return is a form used to claim certain tax credits for individuals and their spouses or common-law partners who reside in Ontario. Keep in mind that TD1ON WS only covers your one source of income. Those with more than one may be required to fill out other papers to claim relevant deductions.

This form is circulated nationally and should be used by all workers officially employed in Canada. Please note that templates marked "TD1s" are federal and provincial documents. If for some reason, you do not file your completed file on time, benefits will accrue based on your standard rate.

TD1ON-WS 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return Screenshot

What is Ontario personal tax credits return used for?

Personal tax credits are deducted from the taxes you owe to the government. They are based on factors such as your family situation, your age, and whether you have any disabilities. The Ontario government offers a number of personal tax credits, which can help reduce the amount of taxes you owe. These credits can be claimed on your annual tax return.

Employers use this form to submit information about workers' tax deductions to the CRA. If you do not file it in time, their amount will be calculated based on the basic personal amount. Because of it, the sum of your credits may be significantly less than expected.

How to Fill Out Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return 2024?

Individuals who are not required to file a tax return can still claim the tax credit by completing and mailing the Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return to the Ministry of Finance. To complete the TD1ON-WS fillable, you must specify the following:

  1. Basic personal amount. It is a tax credit that is available to all taxpayers. It is worth $14,398 for the 2023 tax year.
  2. Age amount. This tax credit is available to taxpayers who are 65 years of age or older. 
  3. Spousal or common-law partner amount – enter the amount from your spouse's or common-law partner's return.
  4. The amount for an eligible dependent is the amount that you can claim for each dependent you have.
  5. Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant. If you're a senior homeowner and live in Ontario, you may be eligible for the Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant. The grant is based on the amount of your property taxes and is paid directly to your municipality.

How to submit TD1ON-WS fillable Ontario personal tax credits return?

There are a few different ways to submit your Ontario TD1ON-WS 2023:

  • You can complete and submit your return online through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website.
  • You can print off a copy of the return and mail it to the recipient.
  • You can drop off the Form TD1ON-WS at a CRA office.

As a rule, state-owned companies encourage taxpayers to use electronic filing, as it speeds up data processing. If you are submitting your return form TD1ON-WS 2023 online or by mail, you will need to include all supporting documentation, such as receipts or forms. You can find more information on what you need to include with your return on the CRA website.

Organizations that work with Ontario personal tax credits return

  • Canada Revenue Agency;
  • Ontario Ministry of Finance.


  • How do I fill in the 2023 Personal Tax Credits Return?

    You can manually fill in the 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return blank, but the most convenient and fastest way is to use the PDFLiner. You can calculate your tax deductions based on your income, information about your dependents and your spouse, and other data (like living in prescribed zones).

  • Are there any new tax credits for 2023?

    There are no significant changes to tax credits for Canadian taxpayers this year. The latest modifications were made due to the coronavirus pandemic, and they remain in effect. Now, for example, you can choose the year of deductions yourself if you received COVID-19 benefits and repaid them in full or in part. Otherwise, the list of credits and deductions for Ontario TD1ON-WS remains the same.

Fillable online TD1ON-WS 2023 Ontario Personal Tax Credits Return
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