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FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale


(4.8 / 5) 84 votes

Get your FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale
  • 02 Sign it online Sign FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale

What is FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale?

The AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale is a document used by real estate buyers and sellers in the state of Florida. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the price, deposit, and closing date. It also includes a section for the buyer to inspect the property and make sure that it meets their expectations.

What do I need the FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale for?

The AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale is a legal document that is used to purchase and sell a property "as is". This means that the property is sold in its current condition, without any warranties or guarantees from the seller. The contract should be used when both the buyer and seller are in agreement about the condition of the property and there are no plans to make any repairs or improvements.

How to Fill Out FAR BAR As Is Contract for Purchase and Sale?

  1. Enter the names of the buyer and seller in the appropriate spaces.
  2. Enter the date of the contract in the space provided.
  3. In the section titled "Description of Property," enter a description of the property being sold. This should include the address, legal description, and any other relevant information.
  4. In the section titled "Price and Terms of Sale," enter the purchase price of the property and any other relevant terms of the sale.
  5.  In the section titled "Financing," enter any relevant information about the financing of the purchase, if applicable.
  6. In the section titled "Closing," enter the date on which the sale is to be closed.
  7. In the section titled "Signatures," both the buyer and seller must sign the contract.

Organizations that work with FAR BAR As Is Contract for Purchase and Sale

  • Florida Bar;
  • Florida Association of Realtors;
  • Florida Real Estate Agents.
Fillable online FARBAR AS IS Contract for Purchase and Sale
(4.8 / 5) 84 votes
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