New York Tax Forms

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What are New York State Tax Forms?

New York state tax forms are made for the ease of taxpayers and official authorities. These documents are widely used by residents and nonresidents that work in New York State. They all are dedicated to taxes and require detailed information about your income, whether you are an individual taxpayer or company representative. Pay attention to the fact that this is a state form we are talking about. You still need to file your annual tax reports to the IRS.

Don’t forget about the deadlines which are made for each form and are usually provided by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. You will find a wide range of New York state income tax forms on PDFLiner. They are placed in one section based on the location and topic.

Most Popular New York State Tax Forms

It is easy to get lost in New York tax forms. You will see different requirements for each form since they all are made for specific cases. The best approach is to learn which form you need directly from the Department of Taxation and Finance of the New York State. Yet, you can always check out all the New York state tax forms 2022 on PDFLiner, read brief descriptions under them, and pick the one you need. If you prefer to follow other user’s experiences read the list of the most popular forms here:

  • Form IT-2. This is the form known as the Summary of W-2 Statements. This is not a unique document. Moreover, it is probably one of the most used New York state tax returns forms. It must be filed together with the NYS income tax return in case you receive the W-2 federal form Wage and Tax Statement. Every W-2 form you complete requires mention in the W-2 Record section of the document. Complete this document even if you did not get a W-2 federal form but received income from foreign countries.
  • Form IT-201. It is known as the Resident Income Tax Return form. This document was created and released by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. The form is one of the most demanded New York income tax forms by taxpayers who live and work in the NYS. You have to complete it with the information you usually provide to the federal tax report. Write down your personal information, dependents, federal income, and adjustments. There are extra sections for the New York subtractions and additions. Be Specific with numbers.
  • Form IT-203. If you are looking for a similar to the IT-201 form, but you are a non-resident or only part-resident of the state, this one's for you. It is called the Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return form. It was created by the Department of Taxation and Finance of NYS to ease the tax reports for nonresidents who work in New York State. The form is similar to IT-201 and you have to provide the same information, except for the address which will be not only your New York temporary residence but the home one.
  • Form IT-214. This form is the Claim for Real Property Tax Credit. It is not one of the New York state tax exemption forms or extension documents. It is widely used by renters and homeowners. If you are a real estate agent you are probably familiar with this document already. You have to fill it with your personal information, eligibility, number of household members, gross income, and the tax for the real property.
  • Form MTA-305. The form is known as the Employer’s Quarterly Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax Return. You need the number of employees, your condition code, and your personal information.

How Do I Get New York State Income Tax Forms?

It is easy to get lost in all New York state tax withholding forms and other types of tax documents you may find on the Department of Taxation and Finance of New York State website. This is the first place you may visit since it contains all the templates among others made for the NYS dwellers. The simpler way is to use PDFLiner. This editing service offers enough tools to fill the documents online in no time. You will have all forms gathered in one place, separated by location and sphere of interest. Here is what you need to do on PDFLiner:

  1. Find the form you need.
  2. Click the Fill Online button.
  3. Start the editor by opening the form and completing empty lines.
  4. If you need, sign it there and send it to the address indicated in the document.


  • Where can I get New York State and New York City tax return forms?

    Where can I get New York State and New York City tax return forms?
    You can get all the New York state tax extension forms, tax reports, and other types of forms at the Department of Taxation and Finance website. You have to make sure that the form is what you were looking for. Another option is to use PDFLiner. You will be able to quickly find the document there and edit it online.

  • Where do you send tax forms for New York?

    It depends on the form’s specifics. Usually, the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance asks to send them forms online or by email indicated in the document. If they need to receive the original made on paper you will see the address in the form within the instructions provided by the Department.

  • Where to download New York state tax forms for previous years?

    You have to consult with the Department of Taxation and Finance before you send any tax forms from previous years. There is a support team that is able to answer your questions on the website. It is better to always keep a copy of the document on your device. PDFLiner may help you to save the forms wherever you want them.

  • Where to mail amended New York state tax forms?

    Amended state tax forms must be filed electronically to the Department of Taxation and Finance. You will see the address inside the form. You have to follow deadlines and provide attachments the Department asks for.

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