New York Form IT-201

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Get your New York Form IT-201 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

What Is NYS Tax Forms It 201

The NYS Tax Form IT-201, officially known as the 'Resident Income Tax Return,' is an essential document for residents of New York State who are required to report their annual income and calculate the amount of state tax owed. The form accommodates various types of income, such as wages, interest, dividends, and pensions, and includes sections for deductions and credits specific to New York State taxpayers.

When to Use NY State Tax Forms It 201

Taxpayers in the following situations should use the NY State Tax Form IT-201:

  • You are a full-year resident of New York State.
  • You need to report income from wages, salaries, tips, or other compensations.
  • You have income from interest, dividends, capital gains, or rental properties.
  • You received taxable refunds, credits, or state and local income tax offsets.
  • You wish to claim any New York State tax deductions or credits applicable to your situation.
  • You are subject to New York City or Yonkers taxes, credits, or surcharges.
  • You are claiming dependents on your New York State income tax return.

How To Fill Out Instruction Form It 201

To guide you through the process of completing the New York State Form IT-201, otherwise known as the Resident Income Tax Return, here are the simplified steps to fill out the form accurately:

Personal Information:

On the top section of the first page, provide your full name, social security number, date of birth, and contact details, including your mailing address. If you're married and filing jointly, provide your spouse's personal information.

Residence Details:

Specify your New York State county of residence, school district, and if applicable, whether you or your spouse maintained living quarters in New York City during the tax year.

Filing Status:

Select your filing status by marking the appropriate box.


If you have dependents, enter their names, social security numbers, relationships with you, and dates of birth in the dependent information section.

Income Information:

On the second page, report various sources of income such as wages, interest income, dividends, business income, capital gains, and any other income that applies to you.

New York Additions:

Include any additional income taxable in New York but wasn't included on the federal return, such as interest on state and local bonds from states other than New York.

New York Subtractions:

Deduct any New York-specific subtractions like state and local income tax refunds, pensions from New York State/local governments, and the taxable amount of Social Security benefits.


Enter either the standard deduction or the total of your itemized deductions. Mark the appropriate box to indicate your choice.

Tax Calculation:

Calculate your taxable income, then determine the amount of New York State tax owed and apply any household or resident credits.


After a thorough review, date and sign the form. If filing jointly, have your spouse sign as well.

Form Versions

2021 New York Form IT-201 (2021) Fill Out Form

Fillable online New York Form IT-201
(4.6 / 5) 101 votes
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