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AA Attendance Form


(4.8 / 5) 63 votes

Get your AA Attendance Form in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill AA Attendance Form
  • 02 Sign it online Sign AA Attendance Form
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export AA Attendance Form

What Is an AA Meeting Court Card Form?

An AA Court Card is a form used by individuals who have been charged with a driving under the influence (DUI) offense and are required to attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings as part of their court-mandated sentence. This card is used to document the individual's attendance and progress in AA meetings and is often required to be submitted to the court as proof of compliance.

Aa Court Card Form Screenshot

How to Fill Out the AA Attendance Form Online

The PDFliner website is a platform that provides tools for filling out and signing documents online. To fill out an AA court card PDF form using PDFliner, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the PDFliner website where you may find a lot of different form templates and also the free AA Court Card printable form. 
  2. Find the AA court card printable form on the PDFliner platform.
  3. The AA court card downloads for free or you may open it online.
  4. Use the editing tools to fill in the required information on the form. This may include your name, the date of the AA meeting, the location of the meeting, and the signature of the AA group leader.
  5. Save the completed form to your computer or print it out for submission to the court.

What Should the Blank AA Court Card Include

The AA Court Card should include the following information:

  • The name of the person assigned to the position of court cardholder
  • The date of their sobriety or clean time
  • The name and phone number of their sponsor
  • The name and phone number of their home group
  • A list of meetings they attend regularly
  • A brief description of their role as court card holders, which may include specific responsibilities and expectations

In addition to these basic requirements, some courts may also require additional information to be included on the AA Court Card. This may include the duration of the meeting, the topic of the meeting, and the number of attendees.

When to Request the AA Attendance Form

The AA Court Card form is typically requested when someone is required to attend court-ordered Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. Here are some situations where a person may need to request an AA Court Card form:

  • Court-mandated attendance: If a person has been ordered by a court to attend AA meetings as part of their sentence or probation, they will need to request an AA Court Card form to track their attendance.
  • Employment requirements: Some employers may require employees to attend AA meetings as a condition of employment. In such cases, employees will need to request an AA Court Card form to track their attendance and provide proof to their employer.
  • Personal accountability: A person who wants to track their own attendance at AA meetings for personal accountability reasons may also request an AA Court Card form.
Fillable online AA Attendance Form
(4.8 / 5) 63 votes
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