Nebraska Real Estate Contract


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Get your Nebraska Real Estate Contracts in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Nebraska Real Estate Contracts
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Nebraska Real Estate Contracts
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Nebraska Real Estate Contracts

What Is the Nebraska Real Estate Contract Form?

The Nebraska real estate purchase contract is a legal document used by buyers and sellers of residential property in Nebraska. The form outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, earnest money deposit, closing date, and contingencies that must be met before the sale is finalized. This contract is typically filled out by the buyer's agent and presented to the seller's agent for review and approval.

Key components of the Nebraska real estate sales contract

The real estate Nebraska contract form consists of several sections covering different transaction aspects. These sections include:

  • Property Description: identifies the property being sold, including its address, legal description, and any personal property included in the sale.
  • Purchase Price and Earnest Money: here, the buyer indicates the amount they are willing to pay for the property and the earnest money deposit they will make to show their commitment to the purchase.
  • Financing: outlines the financing arrangements for the sale, including the type of financing, down payment amount, and any contingencies related to financing.
  • Closing and Possession: covers the closing date, possession date, and any other conditions related to the transfer of ownership.
  • Contingencies: includes several contingency clauses that protect the buyer if certain conditions are unmet. These contingencies may relate to financing, home inspections, or selling the buyer's existing property.

How to Fill Out the Nebraska Real Estate Contract Online

This fillable form is available on the PDFliner website, where you can easily fill out the form online. The form is straightforward and easy to understand, but it's important to read through the instructions carefully and provide accurate information:

  1. Enter the date of the agreement.
  2. Enter the full legal names of the seller(s) and buyer(s) in "Seller" and "Buyer" fields.
  3. Fill out the sold property address in the "Property Address" field.
  4. Enter the amount of the earnest money deposit in the "Earnest Money" field.
  5. Fill out the property's purchase price in the "Purchase Price" field.
  6. Specify the type of financing being used, if any, in the "Financing" section.
  7. Specify any specific contingencies or conditions in the "Contingencies" section.
  8. Specify any personal property being included in the sale in the "Personal Property" section.
  9. Specify any inspections or repairs in the "Inspections and Repairs" section.
  10. Specify the closing date in the "Closing" section.
  11. Both the buyer(s) and seller(s) must sign and date the agreement in the "Signatures" section.

Benefits of using the Nebraska real estate contract

Using this Nebraska form offers several benefits to both the buyer and seller, including:

  • Legal Protection: The agreement protects both parties from legal disputes and ensures that all terms are in writing and agreed upon.
  • Clarity: The agreement clearly outlines all the transaction terms, so there's no confusion or misunderstanding.
  • Flexibility: The agreement can be customized to fit the specific needs of the buyer and seller.
Fillable online Nebraska Real Estate Contracts
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