Form DD 1750


(4.8 / 5) 85 votes

Get your Form DD 1750 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

What Is Form DD 1750?

DD 1750 is a U.S. Department of Defense standard form used as a packing list. Its main purpose is to track items that are shipped. Those in charge of the shipment are expected to fill out a blank 1750. The US Army packing list form is mainly used to request everything from office supplies to vehicles.

What is a DD form 1750 used for?

  • The main purpose of the form is to improve the traceability of any items sent within the U.S. Army by identifying them.
  • Use a DD 1750 fillable blank to provide information on the items sent.
  • Do not rely on this form for recording the receival and/or acceptance of goods.

How to Fill Out DD Form 1750 Fillable PDF?

There are two primary options when it comes to completing this form, namely getting an Army 1750 fillable blank as a hard copy or using a DD Form 1750 PDF with fillable fields and completing it online. Alternatively, you can download a PDF version. The form consists of two pages, of which the second bears notes for the consignee. Here are the steps that need to be taken in order to prepare a valid form:

Step 1: As a consignor, you are supposed to fill out page 1, starting with packing list information.

DD Form 1750 in PDFLiner editor first step

Step 2: Enter the packer’s name and the details of each item that’s included.

DD Form 1750 in PDFLiner editor step 2

Step 3: Type the name and title. Also the military packing list form requires signature. To sign the DD form 1750 army pubs click the sign field and create your signature.

Form 1750 in PDFliner editor step 3

Step 4: You can copy page 1 and add more if you have a large list.

DD Form 1750 in PDFLiner editor duplicating pages process

Organizations That Work with DD 1750 Army Form

  • U.S. Department of Defense
Fillable online Form DD 1750
(4.8 / 5) 85 votes
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