Form 13711


(4.9 / 5) 110 votes

Get your Form 13711 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 13711
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 13711
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 13711

1. What is a 13711 Form for? 

Form 13711 (Request for Appeal of Offer in Compromise) is an official federal tax form by the US Internal Revenue Service that is used for requesting an appeal when you receive an offer rejection letter from the local IRS office. If you’re a business entity, gather such documents as 433-B with all the documentation, IET (income expense table), AET (asset equity table (come with OIC rejection letter), Form 656-B, and publications 5, 5059, 4227. 

Form 13711 on PDFLiner

2. What I need the 13711 Form for?

  • You need the fillable Form 13711 to inform the IRS about your disagreement with the OIC rejection letter;
  • File this form within 30 days after you receive the rejection letter in order to use your right to appeal;
  • Fill the form accurately to state all the items you disagree with. By signing the form, you confirm that all the information provided is complete, true, and accurate;
  • File it if you notice that the figures on Form 433-A don’t match the data on your IET and AET worksheets. 

3. How to fill out Form 13711?

  • Provide your personal information and your joint filer information, such as name, address, TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number), etc.;
  • State and explain all the items you disagree with in the rejection letter (print additional pages if needed);
  • Check the box that describes your personal knowledge the best to claim your responsibility for the submitted data. 

If you want to fill the form blank online, use the PDFLiner cloud PDF editor service. Otherwise, you can download Form 13711 for free from our library and fill it out in your favorite tax software. The direct print option is also supported. 

Signing Form 13711 on PDFLiner

4. Organizations that work with Form 13711

  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Fillable online Form 13711
(4.9 / 5) 110 votes
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