Form 8453-TE

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Complete Guide to Filling Out Form 8453-TE

In the realm of tax submissions, electronic filings have become increasingly common, offering convenience and efficiency. Particularly for tax-exempt organizations and certain other entities, submitting electronic documents necessitates the use of specific forms for authentication and documentation purposes. Form 8453-TE plays a crucial role in this process. Understanding how to correctly fill out this form is essential for ensuring a smooth and correct filing experience.

Form 8453-TE (2023) PDFLiner screenshot

What is Form 8453-TE Used For?

Form 8453 TE acts as a key that unlocks the door to electronic filing for various tax forms related to non-profit and exempt organizations. Specifically designed for the electronic submission of forms such as 990, 990-EZ, and 990-PF among others, it authenticates the electronic form, authorizes electronic funds withdrawals for tax payments, and serves to submit any necessary paper documents or supporting materials that are required alongside the electronic filing. Essentially, it ensures that all submitted information is verified and allows for the secure transmission of documents and payments to the IRS.

The Importance of Correct Submission

Filing IRS Form 8453-TE accurately is paramount to avoid delays or issues in the processing of tax documents. Correct submission ensures that the IRS can efficiently process the tax return and, if applicable, issue any refunds or accept tax payments without hiccups. It also serves as a safeguard for your organization, ensuring that all documentation is in order and properly submitted, thereby minimizing the risk of audits or penalties.

How to Fill Out Form 8453-TE

Filling out Form 8453-TE requires attentiveness to detail and a clear understanding of the organization's filing necessities. Here are the step-by-step instructions for completing this form:

  1. Carefully read the instructions provided by the IRS to familiarize yourself with which parts of the form apply to your organization's filing.
  2. Enter the organization's name, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and the tax year at the top of the form.
  3. Select the specific form(s) you are electronically filing from the list provided on Form 8453-TE. This could include forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, among others.
  4. In Part II, if applicable, check the box to authorize electronic funds withdrawal and provide the necessary payment information including routing number, account number, and payment date.
  5. The officer or authorized person from the organization must then declare in Part II by checking the appropriate box and providing their name and title.
  6. If the return is being filed through an Electronic Return Originator (ERO), complete Part III by including the ERO's information and obtaining their signature.
  7. Finalize the form by making sure that all necessary declarations are signed and dated appropriately.

Form Versions

2021 Form 8453-TE (2021) Fill Out Form
Fillable online Form 8453-TE (2023)
(4.8 / 5) 73 votes
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