Form 2848


(4.6 / 5) 88 votes

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  • 02 Sign it online Sign POA Form 2848
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export POA Form 2848

What is IRS Form 2848?

IRS 2848 is the tax form used to give a taxpayer power of attorney. A power of attorney allows a representative to register taxes and appear on behalf of another person in an IRS proceeding. The form provides a standard definition of power of attorney, which means that the taxpayer can determine the amount of power of attorney by filling out this form.

Form 2848 on PDFLiner

What I need the IRS Form 2848 for?

Use form 2848 to empower a person to represent you in the IRS. The person you authorize must be a person eligible to practice prior to the IRS. Form 2848 must be completed by a representative who requests a power of attorney. The 2848 form must be attached to a copy of any power of attorney that was filed before.

Filling out IRS Form 2848

The form consists of two parts:

  • Part 1: Power of Attorney that requires taxpayer information and the representatives;
  • Part 2: Declaration of Representative.

Signing Form 2848 on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with IRS Form 2848

IRS Office

Fillable online POA Form 2848
(4.6 / 5) 88 votes
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