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Fillable DD Form 884


(4.7 / 5) 63 votes

Get your DD Form 884 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill DD Form 884
  • 02 Sign it online Sign DD Form 884
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export DD Form 884

What Is DD Form 884?

Fillable DD Form 884 is required for transportation of dependents and other close relatives who are supported by the applicant. The blank includes details such as departure and arrival address, car details, dependents' status, and other travel details. The form is to be completed within the country and when arriving outside the country. The form was developed and updated by the U.S. Department of Defense in 2010.

Screenshot Form DD 884

What do I need the DD form 884 for?

Not only should you know how to fill out this document, but you should also know what is a DD Form 884. Use it for the following purposes:

  • When transporting dependents;
  • When crossing borders with dependents and caregivers.

Before you download DD Form 884, please read the rules of filling.

How to Fill Out DD Form 884?

You may have problems transporting dependents if you do not know how to fill out DD Form 884. This document contains several sections, which are important to fill out carefully. Our step-by-step guide will help with this:

  1. Begin by filling out the "DOD Component" section. This could be Army, Navy, Air Force, etc.
  2. Move to the "Name of Applicant" section. Enter the Last, First, and Middle Initial of the applicant, as well as their Rank and Grade.
  3. Fill in the "Ship or Station" field, if applicable.
  4. In the "Dependents for Whom Transportation Is Requested" section, input the name, relationship, and date of birth of each dependent. Also, include their location at the time of receipt of orders, including the City, State.
  5. Provide the present address of the dependents, including the street address, city, state, and ZIP code.
  6. Specify the old permanent station and the new permanent station.
  7. Enter the date of the orders in the format YYYYMMDD.
  8. Describe the transportation requested, including the FROM city and state, TO city and state, and the VIA route if applicable.
  9. Input the date of departure in the format YYYYMMDD and specify the mode of transportation (Air, Rail, etc.) in the "BY" field.
  10. Complete the "Certification of Intent" section.
  11. If applicable, fill out the "Certificate of Proof of Dependency" for dependent parents, adopted children, stepchildren, or mentally or physically incapacitated children over 21 years of age.
  12. Include the "Certificate of Residence of Parent" if necessary for a dependent parent.
  13. If there are stepchildren, complete the "Certificate for Stepchild" section.
  14. Finally, the applicant should sign and date the form in the designated areas (YYYYMMDD format).

Screenshot DD Form 884 signing

In addition, the form must be provided with the personal documents of all those named in the document. To fill out the document online in PDF, you only need to enter the data from the above sections. Then you will be able to print or share the document and use it for any purpose. 

Organizations that work with DD form 884

  • Police; 
  • Transportation Police;
  • U.S. Department of Defense;
  • Border Patrol. 
Fillable online DD Form 884
(4.7 / 5) 63 votes
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