Legal Forms - page 6

  • Kentucky Minor Child Power of Attorney Kentucky Minor Child Power of Attorney Understanding the Power of Attorney for Minor Child Kentucky A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows a parent to delegate child care responsibilities to another individual. In the state of Kentucky, the Power of Attorney for a minor chil
  • Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Guide to the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Are you needing to grant someone the power to handle your vehicle affairs in Pennsylvania? If so, the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney form is a valuable tool for you. Legal documents c
  • Minnesota Small Estate Affidavit _ Form PRO202 Minnesota Small Estate Affidavit _ Form PRO202 Introduction to Affidavit of Small Estate Minnesota In Minnesota, an estate may qualify to use the small estate process if the value of the entire estate, less liens and encumbrances, is $75,000 or less. The Minnesota Small Estate Affidavit, otherwise kno
  • Louisiana Motor Vehicle (DMV) Power of Attorney Louisiana Motor Vehicle (DMV) Power of Attorney Louisiana Motor Vehicle (DMV) Power of Attorney ✓ Easily fill out and sign forms  ✓ Download blank or editable online  
  • North Carolina Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form MVR-63) North Carolina Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form MVR-63) What is Form MVR-63? The MVR 63 form is also called the North Carolina Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney. The document was created for specific cases. It must be used by the person who wants to appoint an attorney to take care of the problems that are relat
  • Ohio Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form BMV 3771) Ohio Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form BMV 3771) Ohio Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney (Form BMV 3771)
  • Mississippi Quit Claim Deed Mississippi Quit Claim Deed Mississippi Quit Claim DeedWhat is the blank Mississippi Quit Claim Deed? The fillable blank Mississippi Quit Claim Deed is a document used to legally transfer property rights in the state of Mississippi. In order for the document to become effective, it
  • Iowa Small Estate Affidavit Iowa Small Estate Affidavit Iowa Small Estate Affidavit
  • Iowa Quit Claim Deed Iowa Quit Claim Deed What is the Fillable Iowa Quit Claim Deed? Fillable Iowa Quit Claim Deed is a document that allows you to transfer the premises from one person to another. The amount of dollars in exchange for the transferred property should be specified. What
  • Florida State Tax Power of Attorney (Form DR-835) Florida State Tax Power of Attorney (Form DR-835) What is Fillable Florida State Tax Power of Attorney? Fillable Florida Department of Revenue power of attorney form is a document, also known as Form DR-835 FL PDF , that should be filled out by the taxpayer and th
  • Alabama Quit Claim Deed Form Alabama Quit Claim Deed Form What is the blank Alabama Quit Claim Deed Form? The fillable blank Alabama Quit Claim Deed Form is a document used to transfer property ownership rights from the grantor to the grantee(s) in the state of Alabama. The form contains information about both p
  • North Carolina Quit Claim Deed Form North Carolina Quit Claim Deed Form What Is North Carolina Quit Claim Deed Form? The fillable North Carolina Quit Claim Deed Form is a legal document, which allows you to transfer ownership of a certain property to another person. The recipient gets the full hold and interest of the sa
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