Form 1120-REIT


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Get your Form 1120-REIT in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 1120-REIT
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 1120-REIT
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 1120-REIT

What is form 1120-REIT

The 1120-REIT form is used for reporting corporate income, losses and profits, deductions, penalties, and credits. In other words, this document displays all tax liabilities that a company could have.

What I need the form 1120-REIT for?

Filling out this form is obligatory for all corporations, trusts, associations, companies that finance or invest in real estate. Besides, there is a number of criteria that a company should meet to qualify for the REIT status:

  • Offer transferable shares.
  • Be registered in one of the 50 states.
  • Have at least a hundred shareholders.
  • Should be managed by one or more trustees/directors, etc.

If these are met, then filing the 1120-REIT is an absolute must. The full list of qualification demands set by the IRS can be found on their website.

How to fill out form 1120-REIT

In the preface part, you are supposed to provide the company’s credentials. This includes the ZIP code, address, date of REIT establishment, total corporate assets possessed, and so forth.

In Part I you need to share information regarding the sources of income and deductions that the trust may have. Among them are dividends, gross rents from real property, net gain or loss, repairs and maintenance costs, and so forth.

The second part requires you to specify tax on net income from foreclosure property.

In Part III you need to report whether the business failed to meet certain criteria regarding the source-of-income requirements. It’s essential for calculating the overall tax payment. 

The concluding Part IV is dedicated to the tax on net income from prohibited transactions. 

Organizations that work with form 1120-REIT

The 1120-REIT form is issued, required, and accepted by the IRS.

Related to Form 1120-REIT Documents

Fillable online Form 1120-REIT
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