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Fillable IMM 1436E


(4.8 / 5) 47 votes

Get your IMM 1436E in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill IMM 1436E
  • 02 Sign it online Sign IMM 1436E
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export IMM 1436E

What Is the IMM 1436 E Form?

The IMM 1436E form pertains to the application for the renewal of a work or study permit in the United States, designed by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Essentially, it provides a legal way for foreign nationals to extend their stay. This guide aims to shed light on the essentials of this form and help you understand how to fill it out correctly. 

Purpose of the IMM 1436E

Before attempting to comprehend the process of filling the form, it is crucial to understand its role. The IMM 1436E, otherwise known as Application to Amend (Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Valid Temporary Resident Documents), is used by permanent residents and temporary visitors like students, workers or visitor visa holders.

It is meant for applicants aiming to correct errors made by the Canadian immigration staff on the Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Resident document (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688). 

How to Fill Out the IMM 1436 E 

Now, let's redirect our focus towards understanding the steps involved in correctly completing the IMM 1436E form:

  1. Enter your Client ID number or UCI in the appropriate field.
  2. Input your Family Name and Given Name in the respective slots provided. Ensure these details match what's written on your document.
  3. If you have any Other Name(s) used or Other Given Name(s) used, include them in the designated spaces.
  4. Specify your Gender from the drop-down options: Female/Male/Another gender.
  5. Enter your DOB and Place of Birth, according to the format, YYYY-MM-DD (for date) and City, state/province, country (for place of birth).
  6. Mention your Citizenship and Passport Number clearly.
  7. Indicate whether it's your date on entry or current by selecting the suitable option.
  8. Fill in the 'Date of Issue' and 'Expiry Date' sections, using the required date format stipulated.
  9. Click on your Marital Status and choose between English or French for your Language of Correspondence.
  10. Input your Current Mailing Address and Residential Address and select 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate if both addresses are the same. If 'No', furnish additional details as requested.
  11. Add your Telephone Number, Alternate Telephone Number, and E-mail Address appropriately.
  12. Specify the 'Date of Original Entry' and the 'Date Permanent Residence or Temporary Residence was Granted' precisely.
  13. Choose which of the documents in Part B you need to be corrected and fill out the corresponding informations.
  14. In Part C, tick 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate whether you've ever been convicted of a crime or offense in Canada or elsewhere since your admission as a permanent resident. If 'Yes', attach the relevant court documents.
  15. Write down the reasons for requesting the amendment(s) in the provided space. Attach an extra sheet if required.
  16. Review all the details you've provided and ensure they're correct before signing on the designated spot.
  17. Finally, fill in the date in the required format, YYYY-MM-DD. You have now successfully completed filling out the IMM 1436E form on PDFliner.

When to use the IMM 1436E form?

This IMM form is not for everyday use and should be reserved for specific purposes. Remember, it's crucial to amend the permit on time to avoid any legal challenges. The specific circumstances include:

  • If you are an international student who wants to extend your study permit duration.
  • If you need to renew your work permit.
  • If you wish to modify certain conditions on your current study or work permit.
  • If you're transitioning from one visa category to another and need to formalize your new status.
Fillable online IMM 1436E
(4.8 / 5) 47 votes
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