Form 14429


(5 / 5) 83 votes

Get your Form 14429 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 14429
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 14429
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 14429

1. What is a 14429 Form?

The IRS Form 14429 (full title: Tax Exempt Bonds Voluntary Closing Agreement Program Request) is a federal tax form that is issued by the Internal Revenue Service to provide assistance to issuers who need to submit a TEB VCAP submission request without altering the IRC (Internal Revenue Code) requirements. This is a standalone form that can be used for business purposes. 

Form 14429 on PDFLiner

2. What I need the 14429 Form for?

  • You need to submit the fillable Form 14429 if you are a tax-advantaged bonds issuer;
  • File if you want a violation jeopardizing the tax-advantaged status of your bonds to be resolved;
  • File if you are a trustee or conduit borrower (or another entity) and you want to participate in a TEB VCAP request together with the issuer;
  • Don’t file the form if you are not an eligible issuer. 

3. How to fill out Form 14429?

  • The latest version of this PDF form includes 4 pages. 
  • Issuer information section – provide comprehensive information about the issuer (name, EIN, address, etc.);
  • Additional party information section – answer all the questions about the party;
  • Authorized Representative Information – fill out if you are a representative of the issuer and attach Form 2848 (one for each representative);
  • Answer to all the questions in the rest of the sections;
  • Request the official issuer’s signature if needed (or sign yourself if needed). 

If you want to get things done quicker, you can download Form 14429 blank directly from PDFLiner’s library or fill it out in our online form editor and print a completed form directly. The entire feature set is free within 10 days after registration. 

Signing Form 14429 on PDFLiner

4. Organizations that work with Form 14429:

  • The Internal Revenue Service of the US. 
Fillable online Form 14429
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