Student Brag Sheet for Letter of Recommendation


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Get your Student Brag Sheet for Letter of Recommendation in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Student Brag Sheet for Letter of Recommendation
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Student Brag Sheet for Letter of Recommendation
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Student Brag Sheet for Letter of Recommendation

Introduction to a Student Brag Sheet

A student brag sheet is an essential tool and a valuable asset when it's time to apply for college or internships. This handy synopsis of your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community service, and personal strengths paints a broad, distinctive portrait of you.

What to include on the student brag sheet

There are several key elements that a student brag sheet should contain:

  • Personal Information: Your full name, contact details, and the school you're currently attending.
  • Academic Achievements: Detail your GPA, any honors classes you've taken, standardized test scores, awards, or scholarships you've received. 
  • Extracurricular Activities: This should cover any clubs, sports teams, or organizations you are or have been a part of, including any leadership roles.
  • Community Service: List any volunteer work you’ve carried out, providing specifics such as the organization's name, your role, and the duration of your service.
  • Work Experience: Include details of any jobs or internships, including your responsibilities and accomplishments. 
  • Personal Reflections: Describe the skills, values, or experiences that make you unique. This could include overcoming adversity, personal growth, or your ambitions for the future.

How to Fill Out Student Brag Sheet Template

Filling out a student brag sheet effectively requires strategy and clarity. Here's how to go about it:

  1. Start by filling out the Personal Information section. Input your full name in the "Name" box.
  2. Enter your unique identification number assigned by your institution in the "Student ID #" box. 
  3. Provide your phone number in the "Phone" box, following the example format if one is given.
  4. In the "Email" box, enter a valid email address to which correspondence may be sent.
  5. Write the school you're currently attending in the "School" box.
  6. Provide your expected graduation date in the "Expected Grad Date" section, following any given date format. 
  7. Move to the Academic Information section and input your current Grade Point Average (GPA) in the "GPA" box.
  8. In the "Test Scores" box, list all the significant test scores you achieved in your academic journey so far. 
  9. Enumerate any advanced placement (AP), honor, or specialized courses you've taken in the appropriate box.
  10. In the Activities Information section, fill in the "Organization" box with the club's name, sport, or extracurricular activity.
  11. Describe briefly, in a box named "Brief Description", your role or responsibilities in the organization.
  12. Specify the dates you have participated in the activity, including the beginning and end dates, in the "Dates Participated" box.
  13. If you've held a leadership role in any of the activities listed, mention it in a box named "Leadership Roles".
  14. For the Work Experience section, repeat steps 10 to 13, substituting the relevant work experience details for each box.
  15. Scroll down to the "Awards" box and list any honors or recognitions you've received during your academic journey or through the listed activities.
  16. Enumerate your short-term and long-term goals in a section named "My Goals". Be as explicit and detailed as possible to provide a clear perspective of your ambitions.
  17. The "Notes" box provides a space for any additional information that may be contextually relevant to your brag sheet but has not been covered by the previous sections.
  18. Once you’ve filled out every section, go over your entire form to check for errors or omissions, ensuring your entries are clear, concise, and correct.

In case this form doesn't suit you, try another brag sheet template.

Importance of a student brag sheet for letter of recommendation

The details in your student brag sheet can greatly assist those writing a recommendation letter on your behalf. Teachers, coaches, employers, or other professionals better understand your strengths, achievements, and character, allowing them to write a more personalized and compelling recommendation.

Fillable online Student Brag Sheet for Letter of Recommendation
(5 / 5) 49 votes
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