South Dakota Lease to Own Agreement


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Get your South Dakota Lease to Own Agreement in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill South Dakota Lease to Own Agreement
  • 02 Sign it online Sign South Dakota Lease to Own Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export South Dakota Lease to Own Agreement

Comprehensive Guide to the Lease to Own Agreement South Dakota 

For those seeking a home in South Dakota but would rather bypass the traditional home purchase process, the lease to own agreement presents an inviting opportunity. This type of agreement refers to a contract wherein tenants rent a home and hold the option to buy the property following a designated period. Our in-depth guide will provide you with critical insights to help you understand this powerful tool and give you specifics about the South Dakota lease to own agreement.

What Is a Lease to Own Agreement Contract?

A lease to own agreement contract is a legally binding document between a tenant and a landlord. Here, the tenant signs to rent a property for a specified tenure with an option or obligation to purchase it in the future. This type of contract is beneficial for both parties involved. For tenants, it's a way to eventually own a home without having to acquire a mortgage immediately. Landlords, meanwhile, have an easier time selling their property by offering it in this flexible format.

Importance of the lease to own agreement form

A lease to own agreement contract is instrumental in ensuring the rights of both the landlord and the tenant are protected during the rent-to-own process. This arrangement usually lasts one to three years, during which the tenant makes monthly payments. A portion of these payments may contribute towards the final property purchase price. The contract outlines the property price, the lease term, and the rent credits, providing a clear pathway to homeownership for the tenant. 

How to Fill Out Lease to Own Agreement

To fill out the South Dakota lease to own agreement template on PDFliner, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by identifying the parties involved in the agreement. Enter the name of the landlord in the space designated for "Landlord" and the name of the tenant in the space designated for "Tenant".
  2. Locate the section titled "Leased Premises". Specify the complete address of the property being leased, including street name, city, and zip code.
  3. In the "Term" section, fill in the commencement date when the lease is set to begin and the expiration date when the lease will end.
  4. Specify the monthly rent amount in the "Rent" section. Include the exact dollar amount to be paid by the tenant and the address or method through which payments should be made to the landlord.
  5. Under the "Late Rent" section, fill in the amount that will be charged as a late fee if the rent is not paid by the due date. Also, specify any fee applicable for returned checks.
  6. In the "Use" section, mention the specific use of the leased premises, ensuring it is designated for residential purposes only. Also, state the maximum number of occupants allowed without the landlord's prior written consent.
  7. Address utility responsibilities in the "Utilities" section by detailing which utilities will be paid by the tenant and which will be covered by the landlord.
  8. In the "Condition of Leased Premises; Alteration; Maintenance; Repairs" section, acknowledge the condition of the premises at the time of lease commencement. This section may require details about existing damage or conditions, which should be listed on the Commencement Inventory Checklist.
  9. Specify tenant’s responsibilities for maintaining the premises and rules regarding alterations and repairs.
  10. For the "Security Deposit" section, enter the amount of the security deposit required by the landlord and detail the conditions under which it will be fully or partially refunded upon lease termination.
  11. In the "Option to Purchase" section, if applicable, specify the terms under which the tenant can purchase the property, including the total purchase price and any initial amount paid as an option price, which might be credited against the purchase price upon sale.
  12. Finally, fill in any additional sections such as "Pets", "Fire or Destruction", "Indemnification", and disclosures regarding lead-based paint and methamphetamine contamination, according to the specifics of the property and the agreement between the parties.
  13. End by ensuring both the landlord and tenant sign and date the agreement in the spaces provided at the end of the form, establishing the formal execution of the agreement. Here, you can use the send to signature feature.
Fillable online South Dakota Lease to Own Agreement
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