REG 195, Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates


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Get your REG 195, Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill REG 195, Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates
  • 02 Sign it online Sign REG 195, Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export REG 195, Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates

What is REG 195 Form?

REG 195 is also known as the Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates. This document was created by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. It was made to ease the life of disabled drivers who require special plates.

The document signifies that the driver in the car is disabled and can use specific benefits that improve the quality of the driving process for this person. You don’t have to appear in person to give the form to the department. You can send applications for disabled person placards or plates REG 195 by email or regular mail if it is easier for you.

You may have heard the alternative name of the form which is the California Handicap Plate Application. The template is getting updated from time to time by the Department. The last time there were improvements made was in October 2021. Before you fill out any document it is better to make sure that you have the form with the last update.

REG 195 on PDFLiner

What I need the REG 195 Form for?

  • As a disabled driver, you need to fill California DMV form REG 195 to receive the plates that warn others about your disability. The plates allow you to use parking spots for disabled people and so on. However, without them, you can’t receive the benefits. Your disability has to be proved by the specialist;
  • The Department of Motor Vehicles also needs DMV REG 195 from the driver to record that the person requires specific treatment. Without the document, the plates can’t be provided. Apart from that, the person that uses benefits for disabled people without the plates that prove it is doing it illegally.

How to Fill Out REG 195 Form?

If you want to understand how to submit REG 195 to DMV, you need to start by learning what to include in it and where to take it. The document is made by the Californian Department of Motor Vehicles, which means you can find it available on their website. Yet, you will not be able to complete it there.

If you want to fill DMV form REG 195 online, on your device, you need to use an editor like PDFLiner that allows you to open and complete empty sections of the document. It has numerous editing tools to simplify your work. The document is only two pages long, but you have to be specific with numbers. Here is what you have to include in CA DMV REG 195:

  1. Read the statement on your type of document and put the tick in the matching box;
  2. Include the information on the applicant. Write down the full name, name of the organization, residence address, and mailing address. Include the date of birth, number of licenses, and phone number;
  3. Put the tick in the appropriate box answering the question about your disability;
  4. Describe the vehicle, including the plate, identification number of the vehicle, and developer;
  5. Put the applicant’s signature and the number of certificates;
  6. Leave section F for the doctor’s confirmation of disability;
  7. Ask the medical provider to put the signature on the document, as well as the number of medical licenses that the provider has;
  8. Leave section H for the DMV official’s signature and stamp.

REG 195 on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with REG 195 Form

  • State of California Department of Motor Vehicles.
Fillable online REG 195, Application for Disabled Person Placard or Plates
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