Illinois Residential Purchase Agreement


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Get your Illinois Residential Purchase Agreement in 3 easy steps

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  • 02 Sign it online Sign Illinois Residential Purchase Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Illinois Residential Purchase Agreement

What Is Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement

The Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement is a pivotal document in property transactions. It is a legally binding contract between a seller and a buyer regarding the sale and purchase of residential property in Illinois. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the sale, including the purchase price, property description, and any contingencies that must be satisfied before the transaction can be finalized.

When to Use Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement

You must use an Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement in several situations. These instances include:

  • Buying or selling a home in Illinois.
  • Transacting for a residential property that requires a detailed agreement beyond a simple bill of sale.
  • Structuring a sale that includes specific terms regarding inspections, financing, or other contingencies.
  • Ensuring both parties clearly understand their rights and obligations regarding the property transaction.

How To Fill Out Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement

Filling out an Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement requires careful attention to detail. Here is a step-by-step guide to assist you:

Identify the Parties: 

Start by entering the buyer and seller's full names and contact information.

Describe the Property: 

Include a comprehensive description of the property being sold, such as its address, legal description, and any personal property included in the sale.

Specify the Purchase Price and Terms: 

Clearly state the purchase price agreed upon by both parties. Additionally, outline the terms of payment and any financing arrangements.

Outline Contingencies:

These should be explicitly detailed if the sale is contingent upon certain conditions, such as a home inspection or the buyer securing financing.

Allocate Closing Costs: 

Determine which party will be responsible for closing costs and specify this allocation in the agreement.


Once all terms have been agreed upon, the buyer and seller must sign and date the agreement, making it legally binding.

When to File Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement

The Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement should be filed after both parties have agreed to all terms and signed the document. Typically, the agreement is filed as part of the real estate transaction's closing process, which involves submitting it to the appropriate county office to record the change in property ownership. The exact timing can vary depending on the specific contingencies outlined in the agreement. When met, they generally coincide with the closing date agreed upon by both parties in the contract.

Ensuring all parties understand the importance and requirements of the Illinois Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement is crucial for a smooth and successful real estate transaction. Following these guidelines will help you navigate the complexities of buying or selling a home in Illinois with confidence and legal assurance.

Fillable online Illinois Residential Purchase Agreement
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