Form IL-1310


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  • 02 Sign it online
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What Is IL 1310 Form?

IL 1310 Form, officially known as "Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer," is specifically designed for claiming a tax refund on behalf of someone who has passed away. This form is required by the Illinois Department of Revenue when a tax refund is due to a deceased person, and the person filing the claim is not the surviving spouse.

Who needs to file IL 1310 tax form?

Filing the IL 1310 tax form becomes a necessary step when an individual has passed away after having paid more in taxes than was owed. To claim this refund, one of the following must apply:

  • You are the court-appointed or certified representative of the deceased person's estate, or
  • If no representative is appointed, you are in charge of the deceased person's property.

If the refund is to be issued to the deceased's surviving spouse, this form is not needed as long as a joint tax return was filed.

Importance of accurate filing

Precision is of utmost importance when dealing with a deceased taxpayer's affairs. Filing Form IL-1310 accurately ensures that the refund process is not delayed and that no further complications arise. It is crucial to adhere to the guidelines set by the Illinois Department of Revenue to honor the tax obligations of the deceased.

How to Fill Out the IL Form 1310

Navigating how to fill out Form IL-1310 may require detailed attention to ensure accuracy. Here's a streamlined process to guide you through the completion of the form:

  1. Begin by entering the relevant year at the top of the form where it requests the calendar year (enter as YYYY) or the fiscal year (enter as MM/YYYY for the ending month and year).
  2. Next, provide the claimant's Social Security Number or federal employer identification number in the designated field. 
  3. Follow this by inputting the claimant's full name, residential address, city of residence, state, and ZIP code into the corresponding fields. 
  4. Also, you should include a daytime phone number where you can be reached.
  5. Identify your relationship to the deceased by marking the appropriate box. If you are the surviving spouse requesting the refund on behalf of your deceased spouse and the tax return was filed separately, check the corresponding box. In this instance, you should fill out Schedule A, which is a part of the form and attach proof of the deceased's passing.
  6. In case you are the deceased taxpayer's personal representative, check the applicable box and attach the court certificate that verifies your appointment. 
  7. Alternatively, if you're another claimant acting on behalf of the deceased taxpayer's estate, check the appropriate box, fill out Schedule A, and attach proof of death.
  8. Proceed to the signature section at the bottom. Sign your name to validate the form and provide the current date next to your signature.
  9. Additionally, you will need to fill in the deceased taxpayer's information. Enter the deceased taxpayer's Social Security number and the date of their passing. 
  10. Also, add the deceased taxpayer's full name along with their permanent address, including the street, city, state, and ZIP code, as it was at the time of their death.
Fillable online Form IL-1310
(4.9 / 5) 106 votes
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