Form 8814 (2023)

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  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

What Is Form 8814

Understanding the complexities of the tax system can be a daunting task. However, for parents or guardians of young investors, Form 8814 offers a simplified way to address tax obligations. Form 8814, "Parent's Election To Report Child's Interest and Dividends," allows parents to include their child's income on their tax return instead of filing a separate return for the child. This form is handy for reporting interest, dividends, and capital gain distributions that a child receives.

When to Use Form 8814 IRS

There are specific situations where utilizing Form 8814 IRS is beneficial:

  • The child’s interest and dividend income totals less than $11,000 (for the tax year 2023).
  • The income comprises only interest, dividends, including Alaska Permanent Fund dividends, and/or capital gain distributions.
  • If a full-time student, the child is under 19 by the end of the year or under 24.
  • The child doesn’t file a joint return for the year.
  • No estimated tax payments were made in the child’s name, and no overpayments from the previous year, including any federal income tax withheld, are applied to the current year under the child’s name.

This form greatly simplifies tax filing for families, making it unnecessary to file a separate return for the child’s income above types.

How To Fill Out Form 8814 Instruction

Filling out IRS Tax Form 8814 requires attention to detail to ensure accuracy. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Calculate the Child's Income:

Start by determining the total amount of your child’s interest and dividends, including capital gain distributions.

Complete Part I:

This section computes your child’s income tax. Enter your child’s income details where applicable. You must aggregate the total from all sources if the child has multiple accounts.

Adjust the Child's Income:

Part II is where you calculate the amount of the child's income you can report on your return. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to determine the taxable amount.

Report on Your Tax Return:

Enter the computed amount from Form 8814 on the appropriate line of your tax return, typically on Schedule 1 (Form 1040).

Accuracy is critical, so double-check each entry and calculation to avoid any potential issues with the IRS.

When to File IRS Tax Form 8814

Form 8814 should be filed alongside your tax return. The deadline to file IRS tax forms generally falls on April 15th. However, the deadline is moved to the next business day if the 15th falls on a weekend or a legal holiday. If you require more time to prepare your return, you can file for an extension, which gives you until October 15th. Remember, this extension applies to filing the paperwork, not the payment of any taxes owed, so ensure all estimated taxes are paid by the original April deadline to avoid penalties and interest.

Following these guidelines will ensure a smoother tax filing process and help families take advantage of the benefits Form 8814 offers, streamlining the reporting of a child's investment income on a parent's tax return.

Form Versions

2020 Form 8814 (2020) Fill Out Form
Fillable online Form 8814 (2023)
(4.7 / 5) 50 votes
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