Form 8453-I


(4.8 / 5) 103 votes

Get your Form 8453-I in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 8453-I
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 8453-I
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 8453-I

Understanding Form 8453-I

The primary purpose of this form is to verify the authenticity of certain parts of your tax return. This can include but is not limited to; medical expenses, taxes paid, employee expenses, charitable contributions, and more. Essentially, when you complete this form, you're confirming that all the information you've provided elsewhere in your tax return is true, accurate, and complete. Accurate completion of the 8453-I form is essential to ensure your e-filing process goes smoothly.

Form 8453-I Screenshot

When to use the form 8453-I

The IRS form 8453-I is a form that applies only to limited instances. The IRS primarily uses to collect information from taxpayers if they wish to e-file their tax return but they have documents or forms that need to be reported in paper form. These taxpayers need to use 8453-I as an electronic signature document to authenticate these paper forms. Unless you need to submit additional documents with your tax return, you will not need to use this form.

How to Fill Out Form 8453-I

So, how does one go about filling out this form? The first step is to get a fresh copy of the document. Now it's time to fill it out:

  1. Firstly, locate the 'Name of Corporation' section at the top of the form. Insert your corporation's legal name as used in official documents.
  2. In the section marked 'Employer Identification Number,' input the official nine-digit number assigned to your corporation by the IRS.
  3. Shift to the 'Tax Return Information' compartment. In 'Total Income,' record the entire funds your corporation made in the tax year. 
  4. For 'Taxable Income,' input the figure remaining after all deductions and exemptions have been subtracted from your total income.
  5. In the 'Total Tax’ field, insert the amount of income tax your corporation is required to pay for the tax period.
  6. In 'Amount Owed,' record the sum due for payment to the IRS after subtracting any applicable credits from the total tax amount.
  7. If 'Overpayment' exists, this indicates you've paid excess tax in the fiscal year than is due. Fill in the exact extra amount paid.
  8. For 'Declaration of Officer,' leave this blank for now as this section should be completed after the document has been completely filled out.
  9. In the 'Signature of Officer' and 'Date' fields, these areas are left blank and signed and dated once the entire document is filled out completely.
  10. For the 'ERO’s Use Only' section, if you are an Electronic Return Originator, sign and date the document, checking the boxes applicable to your status.
  11. Insert your SSN or your Preparer Tax Identification Number in the 'ERO’s SSN or PTIN' field.
  12. For 'Firm’s Name,' input your company's name if you are self-employed. If you work for another firm, write the name of your employer.
  13. Input your company's contact details, including the address, ZIP code, and phone number.
  14. If you are using a paid preparer, they should fill in the 'Paid Preparer Use Only' section. They will include their name, sign, and date the document, and input their PTIN.
  15. If the preparer is self-employed, they should check the box indicating this status and provide their own or their firm’s name, address, contact details, and their employer identification number (EIN). 
  16. After finishing, the signatory will finalize the process by signing and dating the form in their relevant fields under the "Declaration of Officer" section.

Common myths and mistakes

There are a few common misconceptions and mistakes that often arise when dealing with form 8453-I. One myth is that the form can be used as a standalone tax return, which couldn't be farther from the truth. The form is merely a declaration accompanying your electronic tax return, and plays a crucial role in verifying its authenticity.

Common misconceptions about form 8453 I include that it's too challenging, requires specific software to complete, or even that it's a rare form that most don't need to worry about. Though the form may appear confusing at first, with a systematic approach, it is manageable. Also, no specific software is required, and while not everyone may need to submit an 8453-I, it is more widespread than some may think.

Fillable online Form 8453-I
(4.8 / 5) 103 votes
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