Alaska Rental Lease Agreement


(4.8 / 5) 107 votes

Get your Alaska Rental Lease Agreement in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Alaska Rental Lease Agreement
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Alaska Rental Lease Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Alaska Rental Lease Agreement

What is a Fillable Alaska Residential Rental Agreement?

Fillable Alaska Residential Rental Agreement is a document that will help the landlord to make an agreement with a tenant who wishes to rent the private property. The rental agreement is active on the territory of Alaska State.

What I need the Fillable Alaska Residential Rental Agreement for?

You will have to use the Fillable Alaska Residential Rental Agreement in order to:

  • Set the date when the agreement is active;
  • Set the monthly rent;
  • Specify the names of both the landlord and the tenant;
  • Discuss all the terms that are related to the private property maintenance.

How to fill out the Fillable Alaska Residential Rental Agreement?

The first thing you need to write down the date of when you fill out the form. The name of the landlord and all the tenants should be mentioned. After that, you will have to specify the lease term of the Agreement. The city and the location of the property should be written down. After that, you will have to set rent to be paid by Tenant to Landlord every month. The “Late Charge and Returned Checks” section should be mentioned in case the rent is not paid within a particular time.

The utilities for which the landlord pays should be specified in the required boxes. After that, you will have to look through the rules of maintenance and repair. The abandonment should be discussed. Usually, it will happen if the tenant will be absent in premises for a certain number of days without notifying the landlord.
You will have to put the date of when two parties have agreed and executed the agreement. The signatures of the landlord and tenants are required. The document can be notarized, but it is not mandatory.

Organizations that work with Fillable Alaska Residential Rental Agreement

  • The landlord;
  • US Officials.
Fillable online Alaska Rental Lease Agreement
(4.8 / 5) 107 votes
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