Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected


(4.9 / 5) 35 votes

Get your Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected

Understanding the Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected

Before diving into how to get the form from PDFliner, it's essential we familiarize ourselves with what the Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected is. This document is a detailed summary of the goods and services that you have selected for a funeral service. It serves as an agreement between you and the funeral providers, outlining all the services, products, and pricing details, all aimed at giving the departed a dignified send-off. It keeps everything clear, transparent and prevents any misunderstanding between all parties involved.

Benefits of the Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected

The statement of funeral goods and services selected form is beneficial not just for its clarity, but it also helps shield you from unexpected charges. It carefully lists all the services and products selected for the funeral and their associated costs. This list enables you to make an informed decision about what to include in the funeral service based on your budget and ensures you are not charged for services or goods you did not request. The form is a safeguard for consumers, as required by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Funeral Rule.

How to Fill Out Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected

Here's a detailed step-by-step guide on how to fill out the Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected Form on the PDFLiner:

  1. Enter the funeral home’s information, including address and contact details, at the top of the form if not already pre-filled.
  2. Specify the deceased's name and date of death in the "Funeral Services for" section.
  3. Under the section "A. Charge for Services Selected", fill in details for:
  4. For "B. Charge for Merchandise Selected", input details about the casket or other receptacle, outer burial container, and any other goods like acknowledgement cards, register book, memory folders/prayer cards, clothing, and cremation urn.
  5. In "C. Special Charges", fill out any relevant charges for immediate burial, direct cremation, forwarding or receiving remains, and the total of special charges.
  6. Complete "D. Cash Advances" with costs incurred for certified copies of the death certificate, fees for clergy, musician, paid newspaper notices, cemetery fees, and other expenses.
  7. Review the "Summary" section for total charges and tax details, then enter any credits, payments, and the balance due.
  8. Under "Disclosures", list any legal, cemetery, or crematory requirements that necessitate specific purchases or services.
  9. Fill in the "Reason for Embalming" if applicable, based on the services selected.
  10. In the "Acknowledgement and Agreement" section, ensure the person responsible for arrangements signs and dates the form, filling in their social security number. Confirm the receipt of the General Price List, Casket Price List, and Outer Burial Container Price List.
  11. Check the "Terms of Payment", noting the due date for full payment and any details regarding late charges or legal obligations.
  12. If any additional items are ordered later, list them under "Additional Items Ordered Later".
Fillable online Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected
(4.9 / 5) 35 votes
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