Personal Report of Accident, SR 13


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Get your Personal Report of Accident, SR 13 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Personal Report of Accident, SR 13
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Personal Report of Accident, SR 13
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Personal Report of Accident, SR 13

What is SR 13 Form?

Form SR 13, also called the Personal Report of Accident, is a two-page document that you can use as a participant in an accident to record events and people involved. To fill it out, you will need all participants' personal details and driver's license numbers.

Personal Report of Accident on PDFLiner

What do I need the SR-13 Form for?

  • If you were involved in a car accident and could not call the police to the scene, use this form to collect details of all involved.
  • You only need to report an accident if total property damage is over $500 or there are casualties.
  • If the damage to vehicles or drivers is minor, you may not complete this document.

How to fill out SR 13 Accident Report Form?

  1. Specify the day and exact time of the accident, as well as weather conditions.
  2. Enter location information: county, city, street name or track number, miles, intersections, etc.
  3. Provide information about the vehicles involved in the accident: brand, model, year of manufacture, license plates, and the approximate cost of repairs. Also, write down the drivers' names, addresses, and driver's license numbers.
  4. If objects other than vehicles were damaged during the accident, list them all and estimate the cost of repairs.
  5. Also, list all the victims, indicate what they were doing at the time of the accident, and where they were.
  6. Briefly describe the drivers' actions at this moment and collect data from witnesses.
  7. All participants must put their signatures.

Personal Report of Accident on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with SR 13 Form

  • Georgia state police;
  • insurance agencies.
Fillable online Personal Report of Accident, SR 13
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