News Article Summary Template


(4.8 / 5) 39 votes

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  • 02 Sign it online Sign News Article Summary Template
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export News Article Summary Template

What Is a News Article Summary Template?

The news article summary template is a beneficial tool for summarizing relevant information from news articles succinctly. It extracts key facts from articles, thus offering a quick and easy review for readers. Designed to keep track of critical points in a news piece, the template typically consists of sections for the article's title, source, main issues, most important points, supporting details, and your thoughts.

Choosing a news article summary template PDF

When considering a downloadable file format for your article summary template, the PDF version is highly recommended. A news article summary template in pdf format ensures compatibility across devices, from your desktop to mobile. It also simplifies printing, should you require a physical copy. This read-only format ensures the template's content remains intact and professional, irrespective of the user’s software or hardware.

How to Fill Out New Article Summary Template

Filling out this news article summary template is a straightforward process:

  1. Begin with the 'Name' field: Enter your name into the indicated box to identify yourself as the person filling out the form.
  2. Proceed to the 'Period' field: Fill in the field to indicate the period when you're recording the news article summary. It could be daily, monthly, or any defined term.
  3. Move to the 'Headline' field: In this field, write the main title or the headline of the news article you're summarizing. Make sure your headline is attractive and adequately summarizes the content of your article for experts and non-expert readers alike.
  4. Tackle the 'Source' field: Indicate the original source of your news article. Include the writer's name, website, or newspaper name, and the publication date, if available.
  5. Address the 'Main Idea' field: In a concise and precise manner, pen down the principal concept or theme of the news article. This helps to give a reader an overview of the article without reading the entire content.
  6. Go to the 'Cite Supporting Evidence' section: This section provides evidence supporting the news article's main idea. This should be factual evidence from the original article, including data, experts' point of view, or any other information that supports the main idea.
  7. Fill in the 'Article Summary' field: Provide a short article summary. This is where you give a concise overview of the main points made in the article; do not include your personal opinions or thoughts.
  8. Conclude with the 'Conclusion' field: Share a conclusion that wraps up the main points of the news article. Offer a closure based on the main points and facts mentioned in the news article.

Right time to use a template for news article summary

A news article summary sheet template is a versatile tool applicable in various situations, primarily when analyzing and disseminating information efficiently. However, some specific scenarios may increase the value of such a tool.

  • In Academia: Educators and researchers frequently use these templates for studies or classroom discussions. It enhances comprehension and encourages students to focus on key points and significant details instead of getting lost in redundant information. A news article summary template is also instrumental when drafting literature reviews or analyzing research publications. 
  • For Business Purposes: In the business world, these templates play a crucial role in market research and competitor analysis. Companies often summarize news articles to stay informed about industry trends, changes, and moves made by their competitors. This summarized information forms the base of strategic planning sessions and business decisions.
  • In Media Industry: These templates are used daily in journalism or media-related job profiles. Journalists, content writers, editors, and others in the field are frequently tasked with trimming down copious amounts of information into concise summaries. These professionals often lean on news article summary templates to streamline their work and increase productivity.
  • During Personal General Reading: Undeniably, not every person has enough time to read each article in their entirety, particularly in the busy digital age. So, for personal use, summarizing long news articles can be a good habit to quickly catch up with multiple news pieces. 
  • For Preparation of Reports: News article summary templates also function as a great starting point for preparing reports, such as annual reports, press kits, newsletters, or briefings for senior management. It ensures coherence and completeness of the information conveyed while maintaining a professional structure.
Fillable online News Article Summary Template
(4.8 / 5) 39 votes
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