Job Analysis Questionnaire


(4.7 / 5) 87 votes

Get your Job Analysis Questionnaire in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Job Analysis Questionnaire
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Job Analysis Questionnaire
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Job Analysis Questionnaire

What is a Job Analysis Questionnaire Form?

A questionnaire for job analysis seeks to collect valuable data regarding key components of a specific job position. It can include various information such as detailed job descriptions, fundamental skills required, and typical challenges faced. In essence, the purpose of this questionnaire for a job analysis is to ensure a full understanding of the workload and requirements for each position.

Importance of the job analysis questionnaire

The job analysis interview questionnaire is an integral part of the hiring process. By establishing coherent information about a particular role, HR professionals use it to match potential hires with the right job. This tool is instrumental in avoiding role misinterpretation, which could lead to job dissatisfaction or the wrong person being hired.

How to Do a Job Analysis Questionnaire

Knowing how to complete this online job analysis questionnaire form accurately is crucial as it can significantly impact the questionnaire outcome. Here are some steps:

  1. To begin filling out this questionnaire form on PDFliner, move to the first field of the form labeled "Employee Name" and type in your full name.
  2. Input your landline or cellphone number into the "Telephone" field.
  3. Fill out the current date in the "Date" section.
  4. Next, relocate to the "Division/College" part and jot down the department or division where your work is assigned in your organization.
  5. List the name of your department in the "Department" area.
  6. If a job cluster associates with your role, stipulate it in the "Job Cluster" field.
  7. For "Working Title", inscribe your working nametag if it contrasts with your official job title.
  8. Type in your official position within the organization in the "Job Title" section.
  9. Mention the associated "Job Code" if your position has any.
  10. Present your supervisor's name in a section labeled "Supervisor's Name" and their title in "Supervisor's Title".
  11. Write the name and title of your division head or vice president in the "Designee or Division Head/Vice President Name" and "Designee or Division Head/Vice President Title" sections respectively.
  12. Indicate your FLSA status, Pay Grade, and EEO Code in their corresponding fields.
  13. Check the appropriate box related to your employment type out the "Employment Type" segment.
  14. Write the scheduled weekly work hours in the following part.
  15. For the duration you've worked in your current role, specify the years and months separately in the respective areas.
  16. Subsequently, read the main responsibility of your position in the "Primary Purpose of Position carefully".
  17. In the "Duties and Responsibilities" section, check your major duties, denoting their essentiality and the percentage time you spend on each.
  18. Under the "Education Minimum Requirement", tick the maximum degree you've earned along with all the ones below it.
  19. Detail the work experiences you've gained in the "Work Experience" area.
  20. Indicate any exceptional skills, licenses, or certifications you own in the "Type of Skill And/or Licensing/Certification/Registration" field.
  21. If your job involves managing or leading a team, mention it in the "Leadership/Supervisory Responsibilities" section.
  22. Describe your main organizational contacts in the "Personal /Organizational Contacts".
  23. Write about how you maintain customer service relationships in a related part.
  24. If your role involves budget responsibility or task complexity, mention it in the "Work Complexity/Budget Responsibility" space.
  25. Specify your freedom in making professional decisions in the "Independent Judgement/Problem-Solving".
  26. Enunciate your decisions' potential impact or implications in the "Impact of Decisions".
  27. Mention your working environment and conditions in an appropriate section.
  28. In the "General Employee Comments", jot down your observations or suggestions.
  29. Let your immediate supervisor record their remarks in the "Immediate Supervisor’s Comment Section".
  30. Review the entire form to confirm all sections are correctly filled out. The form is now ready to be saved, printed, or shared.

Common mistakes when filling the job analysis questionnaire

Understanding how to avoid common errors when filling out job analysis questionnaire template form can make the process smoother. 

  • Being too vague: Offer specific information about a job, from the key components of the role to the daily expectations.
  • Skipping sections: Each part of the questionnaire is important. Be sure to complete every section thoroughly.
  • Overlooking important tasks: As insignificant as it may seem, each task contributes to the job profile. 
  • Inaccurate time allocation: Be honest with the time spent on each duty, as this helps in formulating time management strategies. 
  • Not considering work environment: The conditions by which a job is conducted are as important as the duties themselves. 
  • Neglecting the importance of interactions: Don't forget to describe the social aspect of the job, including team interactions and reporting lines.
  • Ignoring health and safety considerations: This is vital as it determines the risk associated with the role.
  • Not revising: Always proofread your responses and correct errors before submission.
Fillable online Job Analysis Questionnaire
(4.7 / 5) 87 votes
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