Form DA 1058 (2020)


(4.9 / 5) 62 votes

Get your Form DA 1058 (2020) in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form DA 1058 (2020)
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form DA 1058 (2020)
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form DA 1058 (2020)

What is DA 1058 Form

The DA 1058 form, also known as the Application for Active Duty for Training for U.S. Army Reserve, is a document used for requesting active duty training. It is a key element in the Army’s administrative process.

Form DA 1058 (2020)

Importance of DA 1058 Form in the Army

The DA 1058 form plays a vital role in the Army’s operational process. It helps streamline requests for active duty training, ensuring that all necessary information is collected and processed in an efficient manner.

How to Fill Out the DA 1058 Form Online

With PDFLiner, filling out the DA 1058 form online becomes a simple, straightforward process. Here are the steps:

  1. Login to your PDFLiner account.
  2. Search for the DA 1058 form in the search bar.
  3. Click on the form and start filling.
  4. Once done, review and submit the form.

DA 1058 Form Fields

Field Description
Name This is where you input your full name as per Army records.
Address Insert your current residential address here.
Rank Specify your rank in the Army.

Downloading and Printing the DA 1058 Form

To download and print the form, follow these steps:

  1. Once you have filled out the form, click on the ‘Download’ button.
  2. Save the file on your device.
  3. Open the file and click on the ‘Print’ option.

Streamlining the DA Form 1058-R and DA Form 2142 Process

Using PDFLiner not only simplifies the process of filling out the DA 1058 form but also streamlines the whole process when used in conjunction with forms like the DA Form 1058-R and DA Form 2142.


Understanding the DA 1058 form and knowing how to fill it out is crucial for any member of the Army or those involved in Army administration. With PDFLiner, this process becomes simpler and more efficient, allowing you to focus more on your core responsibilities.

Fillable online Form DA 1058 (2020)
(4.9 / 5) 62 votes
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