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DA 31 Army Leave Form 2022


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Get your DA 31 Army Leave Form 2022 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill DA 31 Army Leave Form 2022
  • 02 Sign it online Sign DA 31 Army Leave Form 2022
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export DA 31 Army Leave Form 2022

What is DA 31 Army Leave Form?

DA 31 is a U.S. Army form, also known as "Request and Authority for Leave." It is used by soldiers to request time off from their duties and to obtain approval for that leave from their commanding officer. The form includes sections for the soldier to provide information about the type and duration of requested leave, as well as any other relevant details. Once completed, the form is submitted to the soldier's commanding officer for review and approval.

Who can use a fillable DA 31 PDF?

A fillable DA 31 PDF can be used by any active-duty soldier in the U.S. Army who needs time off. This includes soldiers on active duty, in the National Guard, or in the Army Reserve. It is intended for use by enlisted soldiers and officers and can be used to request various types of leave, including vacation, emergency leave, or convalescent leave.

How to Fill Out Army DA 31 Form?

fillable da 31 pdf screenshot

Here are the steps to fill out an Army DA 31 form:

Step 1: Start by filling in your personal information, including your name, rank, Social Security number, and assignment unit.

Step 2: Fill out the "Type of Leave" section, and specify the type of leave you request (e.g. emergency leave, convalescent leave, etc.).

Step 3: Provide the address where you will be during your leave using the "Leave Address" section.

Step 4: Make sure to put the dates when your leave will begin and end.

Step 5: Indicate whether you will travel on official orders or at your own expense in the "Travel Orders" section.

Step 6: "Remarks" section, provide any additional information relevant to your leave request. This could include the reason for your leave, contact information for a next of kin, or any other relevant details.

Step 7: Sign and date the form.

Once you have completed the form, it should be submitted to your commanding officer for review and approval.

Fillable online DA 31 Army Leave Form 2022
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