Form 940 Schedule A

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Get your Form 940 Schedule A in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 940 Schedule A
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 940 Schedule A
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 940 Schedule A

What is Form 940 Schedule A?

Schedule A form 940 is called the Multi-State Employer and Credit Reduction Information document. You can use this template to calculate the yearly Federal Unemployment Tax Act taxes you have for the state with the credit reduction of wages. The number is subject to the compensation law for unemployment. The template was created by the Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service. It has a strict deadline you have to follow. The deadline is January 31.

The 940 form schedule A comes with the list of the credit reduction states, as well as the total credit reduction. You need to fill the form 940 as well. There is similar information that must be provided in both forms, so the IRS would not miscalculate or decline the documents. The document is simple, but you still have to pay attention to the columns with the states and put the appropriate information there.

 Form 940 Schedule A on PDFLiner

What I need the Form 940 Schedule A for?

  • You have to use form 940 schedule A as an attachment to form 940 in specific cases. This is the document that helps to reduce taxes and provide information on unemployment status.  You need to share information on the FUTA taxable wages for each state;
  • You have to fill schedule A 940 form to report the credit reduction amount. You don’t have to fill in all the sections. You need to provide information only on those states that apply to you;
  • IRS has to receive 940 schedule A form due to the state unemployment compensation laws or there will be no credit reductions for the person.

How to Fill Out Form 940 Schedule A?

The IRS form 940 schedule A comes with detailed instructions you have to read in advance. Instructions are gathered on the second page of the schedule. You have to follow them or the IRS can decline both the schedule and the form that comes with the attachment. Before you complete anything it is better to check out whether your particular situation matches the demands. You can find IRS schedule A form 940 on the official website of the Internal Revenue Service or on PDFLiner. If you decide to go with the IRS website you will not be able to fill out the form online.

If you prefer to complete the template once you enter it, use PDFLiner which has all the tools you need there. After you finish the form, don’t forget to check both the schedule and 940 templates and make sure that there are no mistakes. Once you do it, save the document on your device, and send the copy to the IRS. Don’t miss the deadline. If you prefer to send documents by regular mail, find out if you have the time to wait, since it takes longer for the standard mail to get delivered. Here is what you need to include in the template:

  1. Provide the Employer Identification Number and your name;
  2. Place the X sign in the box of each state where you paid the state unemployment tax during the year. If the credit reduction in the state was more than 0 you have to enter the taxable wages in the FUTA section. Put the date in the reduction rate;
  3. Calculate the total credit reduction under the table.

 Form 940 Schedule A on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with Form 940 Schedule A

  • Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service.

Form Versions

2021 Form 940 Schedule A for 2021 Fill Out Form
2020 Form 940 Schedule A for 2020 Fill Out Form
Fillable online Form 940 Schedule A
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