Form 8862 (2021)

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What Is IRS Form 8862 For 2021

IRS Form 8862, "Information To Claim Certain Credits After Disallowance," is essential for taxpayers seeking to reclaim eligibility for certain tax credits that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may have previously denied or reduced. The form serves as a tool to re-establish qualification for these benefits, including the Earned Income Credit (EIC), after they were disallowed for reasons other than a mathematical or clerical error.

When to Use IRS Form 8862 For 2021

Taxpayers find themselves in need of IRS Form 8862 under several circumstances. The need arises particularly when:

  • The IRS has disallowed the Earned Income Credit (EIC) in a previous tax year due to failing to meet the qualification criteria, and the taxpayer wishes to claim the EIC again.
  • The disqualification was not due to a calculation error or mistake in the tax return.
  • A specific period has elapsed, typically a few years, since the disallowance, allowing the taxpayer to attempt to claim the credit once more.

How To Fill Out IRS Form 8862 For 2021

Filling out IRS Form 8862 requires attention to detail across several steps:

Personal Information: 

The taxpayer starts by entering their full name as it appears on the tax return, along with the Social Security Number (SSN).

Tax Year Information: 

Indicate the tax year for which the form is being filed. For this context, ensure "2021" is clearly marked.

Credit Claimed: 

Identify the specific credit(s) you are attempting to reclaim. For most, this will involve marking the box corresponding to the Earned Income Credit (EIC).

Eligibility Information: 

Complete the sections relevant to the credit being claimed. Each section demands information validating your eligibility for the reclaimed credit, such as income details and qualifying child information, if pertinent.

Signature and Date: 

Upon verifying the information entered is accurate and complete, sign and date the form to affirm the truthfulness of the information provided.

When to File IRS Form 8862 For 2021

The timing for filing IRS Form 8862 correlates directly with the tax year for which you're claiming the credit. It should accompany your tax return if you're attempting to reclaim a credit for the tax year 2021. Specifically, the form should be filed alongside your tax return before the filing deadline, generally, April 15th of the following year, unless an extension has been granted.

The careful adherence to these guidelines simplifies navigating the process of reclaiming eligibility for valuable tax credits with IRS Form 8862. Whether re-establishing the right to claim the Earned Income Credit or another eligible benefit, understanding when and how to fill out and file Form 8862 accurately is crucial for taxpayers aiming to maximize their tax returns.

Form Versions

2018 Fillable Form 8862 (2018) Fill Out Form

Fillable online Form 8862 (2021)
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