Form 8862 (2018)

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What Is Form 8862 For 2018 

Form 8862, also referred to as "Information To Claim Earned Income Credit After Disallowance," is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) document utilized by taxpayers who have previously had their Earned Income Credit (EIC) disallowed or reduced by the IRS and who wish to claim the EIC again.

When to Use Form 8862 IRS 2018 

Taxpayers must consider several situations that necessitate Form 8862 IRS 2018. One must file this form if all the following criteria are met:

  • The IRS disallowed or reduced the EIC on a tax return for a year after 1996.
  • The disallowance was not due to a math or clerical error.
  • The taxpayer is now eligible to claim the EIC and wishes to do so.

It's important to note that if the EIC was reduced or disallowed due to a determination of reckless or intentional disregard of the EIC rules, the taxpayer must wait two years before they can use Form 8862 to claim the credit again. If it was due to fraud, the wait is ten years.

How To Fill Out IRS Form 8862 Instructions 2018 

Completing IRS Form 8862 Instructions 2018 requires attention to detail and a thorough understanding of one's tax situation. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • If filing jointly, please provide personal information at the top of the form, including your name, social security number, and spouse.
  • Check the box that applies to the tax year you claim the EIC, such as tax year 2018.
  • Answer questions in Part I regarding the tax year your EIC was disallowed, the reasons for the prior disallowance, and your eligibility to claim the EIC.
  • In Part II, fill in the details about your qualifying child or children if this applies to your situation. You need to provide information about each child, such as their name, year of birth, relationship to you, and number of months lived with you in the United States.
  • Part III requires your affirmation regarding fulfilling due diligence requirements by the paid preparer, if applicable.
  • Review the completed form for accuracy.

Where To File IRS 8862 Form 2018 

Filing the IRS 8862 Form 2018 involves submitting it along with your income tax return for the year you claim the EIC. Your U.S. Individual Income Tax Return should be attached just behind Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR. The mailing address for the tax return will vary based on the taxpayer's location and whether they are making a payment with the return.

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2021 Fillable Form 8862 (2021) Fill Out Form

Fillable online Form 8862 (2018)
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