Form 433-F


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Get your Form 433-F in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Form 433-F
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Form 433-F
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Form 433-F

What is Form 433-F?

The IRS Form 433 F Collection Information Statement is a two-page blank that allows you to tell the IRS in detail about your financial situation. To complete it, you will need information from your last tax return and Form 9465 to request a revision of your payment plan (as a rule).

Form 433-F on PDFLiner

What do I need the IRS Form 433-F for?

  • Use the Form 433-F fillable when you are having trouble paying your tax liability.
  • It might be necessary when your tax liability has exceeded $50000 or when your income and current plan do not allow you to pay off your debt for the next six years.
  • If you cannot pay off your debts, the IRS will ask you for an explanation of your current financial situation and offer an acceptable payment plan.
  • With IRS Form 433 F PDF, you can also request “hardship status.” 

How to Fill Out Tax Form 433 F?

  1. Enter your name, SSN, residence country, and contact details. If you are self-employed, fill in your business details. Also, include the same information for your spouse if you sent your last Form 1040 as married filing jointly.
  2. Provide details of your bank accounts, cards, investments, and virtual currency (if any). Specify if you own any real estate or other valuable assets.
  3. If you own a business, complete section “E.” If not, leave this block empty.
  4. Fill in the table regarding your current place of employment and indicate income and taxes. Also, calculate approximate monthly expenses.
  5. Specify the date the file was completed and put your signature.

Where to mail Form 433 F?

The IRS offers addresses of several certified centers where you can send your completed document, depending on your state. You can find the full table on the official website of the tax service. This form is often sent along with Form 9465, which asks for a review of your payment plan. Both of these forms can also be submitted to the IRS along with your annual tax return. In this case, use the same address you sent Form 1040 to (you can find this information in the enclosed booklet).

Form 433-F on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with printable IRS Form 433-F

  • IRS

Fillable online Form 433-F
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