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DD Form 1348-1A


(4.8 / 5) 96 votes

Get your DD Form 1348-1A in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill DD Form 1348-1A
  • 02 Sign it online Sign DD Form 1348-1A
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export DD Form 1348-1A

What Is DD Form 1348-1A?

The DD Form 1348-1A is used to document the transfer of custody and control of the property from the owning organization or individual to DLA Disposition Services.

What is DD form 1348-1A used for?

DLA Disposition Services will not accept transfers of custody and control of the property without a properly completed and signed fillable DD Form 1348-1A.

This form must be completed in English. If the item being transferred is identified by a foreign language nomenclature, the form must also include the English translation.

DD Form 1348-1A Screenshot

How to Fill Out DD Form 1348-1A?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fill out the DD Form 1348-1A issue release receipt document:

  1. Enter the date of the request in the "Date" field.
  2. In the "From" field, enter the name and address of the individual or organization requesting the service.
  3. In the "To" field, enter the name and address of the DLA Disposition Services office you are interacting with.
  4. In the "Phone" field, enter the best point of contact phone number for the requestor.
  5. In the "Fax" field, enter the fax number for the requestor, if applicable.
  6. In the "Email" field, enter the email address for the requestor, if applicable.
  7. In the "Property Account Number" field, enter the Property Account Number (PAN) associated with the request. The PAN can be found on the Property Identification Label (PIL), which is affixed to the item.
  8. In the "Item Description" field, enter a brief description of the item or items being requested.
  9. In the "Quantity" field, enter the number of items being requested.
  10. In the "Unit of Issue" field, enter the unit of issue for the items being requested.
  11. In the "Reason for Request" field, enter the reason for the request.
  12. In the "Signature" field, enter the name and title of the requestor.
  13. In the "Date" field, enter the date the form is being signed.
  14. In the "Remarks" field, enter any additional information that would be helpful for the DLA Disposition Services office to know.

How to submit DD form 1348-1A?

When the DD form 1348-1A pdf is complete, fax or mails it to the DLA Disposition Services office.

Who should sign the DD form 1348-1A?

The DD form 1348-1A template must be signed by an authorized representative of the owning organization. The name, title, and telephone number of the signatory must be provided.

Fillable online DD Form 1348-1A
(4.8 / 5) 96 votes
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