Alabama State Tax Power of Attorney (Form 2848A)


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Get your Alabama State Tax Power of Attorney (Form 2848A) in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Alabama State Tax Power of Attorney (Form 2848A)
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Alabama State Tax Power of Attorney (Form 2848A)
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Alabama State Tax Power of Attorney (Form 2848A)

What Is Form 2848A?

Form 2848A is a legal document issued by the state of Alabama that gives a taxpayer's representative the authority to carry out specific actions regarding that individual's tax affairs. It's important for any taxpayer who may require assistance with their taxes to understand the implications and conditions that come with completing and submitting this form.

Alabama State Tax Power of Attorney (Form 2848A) Screenshot

Key features of Alabama form 2848A

The form is specific to Alabama and is recognized and accepted by the state's Department of Revenue. Additionally, form 2848A Alabama strictly governs state tax matters. The person granting the authority cannot bypass using this form if they wish to appoint someone for their state tax matters.

How to Fill Out Form 2848A Alabama

Knowing how to fill out the fillable form 2848A is essential when you want to delegate authority. By filling it out accurately, you ensure that you successfully delegate the responsibility for tax matters to someone trustworthy and competent.

  1. Begin with the “Taxpayer Information” section. Here, you will need to fill out your personal information. Enter your full name and current address, including your city, state, and zip code, in the given fields.
  2. Provide your Social Security Number (SSN) and, if applicable, your Employer Identification Number (EIN). Also, supply your daytime telephone number.
  3. Move on to the next section titled, "Representative(s)". Here, you will add the details of the person or people who will be representing you in front of the tax authority. Input their full name(s), current address(es), and telephone and fax numbers in their respective fields.
  4. The "Tax Matters" section is where you specify the type of tax, tax form number, and the tax year(s) or period(s). Click on the drop-down menu to select the relevant type of tax - Individual, Corporate, Sales, etc. Enter the specific tax form number - 40, 20C, 41, 65, etc. Mention the tax year(s) or period(s) in relation to which a power of attorney will be acting.
  5. In the "Acts Authorized" section, you describe the authorized actions your representative(s) can perform on your behalf. Click on each available box to activate the necessary permissions, which might include receiving and inspecting confidential tax information or signing an agreement with the Department of Revenue.
  6. In the "Exceptions" section, list any specific actions your representative should not perform.
  7. The last section is the "Signature of Taxpayer." Here, sign in the designated field to grant a power of attorney. This section might also require the date of signing and your title, if applicable.

Why state of Alabama form 2848A is important

Whether you are an individual taxpayer or a business entity, it's important to understand the function and importance of the state of Alabama form 2848A. This crucial legal document grants whomever you choose the power to handle your tax matters. This person becomes your voice and acts in your best interest when liaising with the Alabama Department of Revenue.

Fillable online Alabama State Tax Power of Attorney (Form 2848A)
(4.5 / 5) 99 votes
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