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Volleyball Roster and Lineup Template


(4.9 / 5) 107 votes

Get your Volleyball Roster and Lineup Template in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Volleyball Roster and Lineup Template
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Volleyball Roster and Lineup Template
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Volleyball Roster and Lineup Template

Demystifying the Volleyball Roster and Lineup Sheet

The volleyball roster and lineup sheet is an essential tool that presents critical information about players and their positions in the team. It is an organized chart that lists the whole team in an orderly manner, with their positions clearly indicated. A thorough understanding of this form is a prerequisite for delivering a well-planned and well-coordinated game. 

Details to include in your template

When you are compiling your volleyball team roster and lineup sheet, there are specific essential details to include. The roster should contain each player's name, jersey number, and position. The lineup section should indicate the rotating order of the players, making it easier to track each player's turn in the game. 

Another vital piece of information to add is the team's designated libero. The libero is a critical defensive player, renowned for its unique jersey and position, and should be easily identifiable on the sheet. 

How to Fill Out Volleyball Roster and Lineup Sheet Template

Figuring out about completing this volleyball form template might seem daunting at first, but don't fret. Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Input your team details. There are separate sections for Home and Visitor teams. Choose which one your team falls under and enter your team name in the designated space.
  2. Next, there are several columns for entering player information: Player Number and Player Name. For Player Number, input the jersey numbers of your players. 
  3. For Player Name, make sure to enter the last name followed by the first name of each player. Repeat this for each player until your team roster is complete.
  4. Note the specific match number of the game. You will find a blank space for this under the Team column in the Game Number section.
  5. A libero is a defensive player in volleyball, so each team typically has one. Write down the number of your team's libero in the Libero column.
  6. Under Serve or Receive, tick the box that describes your team's initial action for this game. 
  7. Fill out the Serve Order column by listing your players' jersey numbers based on who will serve first, second, third, and so forth.
  8. The last step is filling the Player No. section. This is essentially a smaller roster, so refer back to step 2, revisiting and inputting your players' jersey numbers once again.

Advantages of using the volleyball team roster and lineup sheet

There are numerous advantages of the volleyball roster and lineup sheet template:

  • Clarity: It gives a clear view of the entire team's information, making it easy for everyone involved.
  • Organization: It allows for smooth rotations during the game without compromising the game flow.
  • Planning: The template assists in strategic planning for the coach or team manager for the match.
  • Accountability: The form helps in keeping track of each player's position and progress during the game.
Fillable online Volleyball Roster and Lineup Template
(4.9 / 5) 107 votes
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