Schedule NEC Form 1040-NR (2023)

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What is Form 1040NR Schedule NEC

Form 1040NR Schedule NEC is a tax schedule that nonresident aliens must file with income from U.S. sources that is not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business. The schedule is used to report this income and calculate any tax owed on it.

Who needs to file Schedule NEC

Nonresident aliens with U.S. source income like dividends, interest, rents, royalties, annuities, pensions, and capital gains must file Schedule NEC if this income is not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business.

Schedule NEC Form 1040-NR 2023-2024 PDFLiner screenshot

How to Fill Out Schedule NEC 1040NR

Form 1040NR Schedule NEC instructions are simple. Follow these steps to fill out the form:

  1. Enter your personal information, including name, address, and taxpayer identification number.
  2. Report your non-effectively connected income on the appropriate lines. For example, report dividends on line 1a and interest income on line 2a.
  3. Add up the amounts on lines 1a through 10 and enter the total on line 11.
  4. Enter any adjustments or deductions on lines 12 through 15.
  5. Calculate your taxable income for Schedule NEC on line 16.
  6. Figure the tax on your Schedule NEC income using the tax rate schedule on page 2 of Schedule NEC. Enter the tax on line 17.

Avoid common mistakes like reporting effectively connected income on Schedule NEC. Only report income exempt from tax under a treaty on Schedule OI, not Schedule NEC.

What Income to Report on Schedule NEC Form 1040NR

The following types of U.S. source income must be reported on Schedule NEC if not effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business:

  • Dividends and interest;
  • Rents, royalties, annuities;
  • Pensions;
  • Capital gains.

Some income may be exempt from U.S. tax because of a tax treaty. This income should be reported on Schedule OI, not Schedule NEC.

Tips for Filing Form 1040NR Schedule NEC

Follow these tips for easy filing:

  • To avoid penalties, file Schedule NEC with your Form 1040NR tax return by the April 15 deadline.
  • Use the IRS Withholding Calculator to ensure you have enough tax withheld.
  • Seek help from a tax professional if you have complex international tax situations.

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Form Versions

2021 Schedule NEC Form 1040-NR for 2021 tax year Fill Out Form
2022 Schedule NEC Form 1040-NR for 2022 tax year Fill Out Form
Fillable online Schedule NEC Form 1040-NR (2023)
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