Ohio Residential Lease Agreement


(5 / 5) 93 votes

Get your Ohio Residential Lease Agreement in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Ohio Residential Lease Agreement
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Ohio Residential Lease Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Ohio Residential Lease Agreement

What is an Ohio residential lease agreement?

An Ohio residential lease agreement is a formal contract between a property owner and a tenant. It consists of six pages and contains detailed terms of the lease, the rights and obligations of the parties, and the distribution of care for ancillary services among the participants.

What do I need the Ohio residential lease agreement for?

  • If you plan to rent a room, house, apartment, townhouse, condo, or any other type of residential unit, you should have a printable Ohio residential lease agreement.

  • If you rent out any dwelling, you need to sign a contract with each tenant.

  • For non-residential (commercial) leases, do not use the Ohio residential lease agreement template.

Organizations that work with Ohio residential lease agreement:

Real estate agencies.

How to fill out the Ohio residential lease agreement?

Step 1: Open the Ohio residential lease agreement form in our editor and fill it out online.
Step 2: Indicate the date the contract was signed and list the parties involved in this process.
Step 3: Fill in the information about the property, terms of the agreement, the cost of rent, and the amount of the deposit. Be sure to specify by what date the payment should be received on the landlord’s account.
Step 4: Read the facility conditions described on pages 2-5.
Step 5: Both parties should list their names at the end of the residential lease agreement Ohio PDF and sign their names. Electronic or hard copies should be distributed to each party to the contract.

Fillable online Ohio Residential Lease Agreement
(5 / 5) 93 votes
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