Arizona Residential Lease Agreement


(4.7 / 5) 82 votes

Get your Arizona Residential Lease Agreement in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Arizona Residential Lease Agreement
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Arizona Residential Lease Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Arizona Residential Lease Agreement

What is the Arizona Residential Lease/Rental form?

This is a mandatory fillable form that is required by the Federal law of Arizona. One can download Arizona Residential Lease/Rental pdf form for free from PDFLiner official website and fill it online or print it.

What do I need the Arizona Residential Lease/Rental form for?

This form is only required when a landlord enters into a contract with a tenant. It describes the rights and obligations of the parties including:

  1. Security deposit.
  2. The right of entry for the landlord.
  3. Tenants holdover in case of any damages caused by the tenant to the landlord premises.

It is not required for tax or business purposes. You shouldn’t apply it to your local IRS administration.

How to fill out Arizona Residential Lease/Rental form?

The agreement form includes several bullets. The parties indicate their personal data and the date of the agreement conclusion. At the end of the document, used for describing the relationships between the landlord and the tenant, both parties put their signatures.

The document also includes the indication of the rent amount and late fees that a tenant will pay to the landlord in case he misses the payment deadline. The address of the premises is also included in the document with the indication of the features of the apartment/house.

Organizations that work with Arizona Residential Lease/Rental form

  • Real estate agencies
Fillable online Arizona Residential Lease Agreement
(4.7 / 5) 82 votes
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