North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement


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Get your North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement
  • 02 Sign it online Sign North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement

What Is a North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement Form?

The North Carolina commercial lease agreement is a legally binding contract used for renting commercial properties, such as offices, retail spaces, or warehouses. It outlines the terms of the lease, such as the length of the lease, the amount of rent, and the rights and obligations of both parties. 

Importance of the North Carolina association of realtors commercial lease agreement 

Legality is crucial when dealing with commercial properties. Adhering strictly to the forms and documents issued by the North Carolina Association of Realtors Commercial Lease Agreement can help protect both parties from potential legal conflicts. These detailed documents, endorsed by expert realtors, provide a thorough framework covering all necessary aspects of a lease agreement. Fulfilling this form correctly is crucial to a successful lease process. 

How to Fill Out North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement PDF

Both parties must provide accurate information about themselves and the leased property when filling out the North Carolina commercial lease agreement template. Also, you should follow this guide:

  1. Start by entering the name of the landlord or business entity name of the firm in the space provided under 'Landlord'.
  2. Provide the Landlord's address in an appropriate field.
  3. For the 'Tenant' section, enter the name of the tenant or business entity name of the firm leasing the property.
  4. Input the Tenant's address in the field provided under the 'Tenant' section.
  5. Under the 'Property' section, provide the address of the property being leased.
  6. Specify the commencement and termination dates of the lease agreement in the 'Term' section.
  7. Input the payment due date and the amount of rent to be paid under the 'Rental' section.
  8. In the 'Late Charges' section, provide the grace period for late-payments and the corresponding late payment fee.
  9. Enter the security deposit amount in the 'Security Deposit' section.
  10. Check the appropriate box to indicate who will be responsible for paying utility bills/service contracts in the corresponding section.
  11. Briefly outline the tenant's responsibilities, rules, and regulations in the 'Rules and Regulations' section.
  12. The 'Permitted Uses' section details the permitted uses of the commercial property.
  13. Provide information about the party responsible for taxes and insurance under the 'Taxes and Insurance' section.
  14. Detail the insurance, waiver, and indemnity agreement in the corresponding section.
  15. The 'Repairs by Tenant' section details the tenant's obligations for repairs.
  16. Provide information about who can make alterations to the property in the 'Alterations' section.
  17. At the 'Destruction of or Damage to Premises' section define what happens in the event of damage to the property.
  18. Provide information on governmental orders in the 'Governmental Orders' section.
  19. Define what happens if the property were to be condemned in the 'Condemnation' section.
  20. Define the conditions for default in the 'Events of Default' section.
  21. Provide the remedies upon default in the 'Remedies Upon Default' section.
  22. If there are stipulations about signs on the property's exterior, input them in the 'Exterior Signs' section.
  23. Mention the status of the property concerning environmental laws in the 'Environmental Laws' section.
  24. Provide information on where to send notices in the 'Notices' section.
  25. Under 'Brokers', state any real estate brokers that played a role in this lease agreement.
  26. If there are any special stipulations, detail them under 'Special Stipulations'.
  27. In the 'In Witness Whereof' section, enter the Landlord's signature and date, as well as the name of the Business Entity (if applicable) and the date. 
  28. Similarly, in the 'In Witness Whereof' section for the Tenant, provide the Tenant's signature and date, and the business entity name of firm (if applicable) and the date. 
  29. Review the agreement to ensure that all details have been filled out correctly and no section has been left unfinished or unclear. 

Tips for optimizing a commercial lease agreement North Carolina

A commercial lease agreement can often be complex, with many clauses and legal jargon. However, it is a critical document that can protect your interests as a tenant or a landlord. Here are some tips to optimize your commercial lease agreement in North Carolina:

  • Clearly Define the Premises - Avoid ambiguity by describing the rented property with precision. This includes address, square footage, and any specific areas within the building.
  • Establish Rent and Lease Terms - Clear details of the lease duration, the rental amount, and payment procedures should be included. 
  • Clearly Outline Lease Renewal Terms - Mention how and when the lease is to be renewed, and the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement.
  • Allocation of Expenses - Clearly state who will be responsible for maintenance, utilities, insurance, and taxes. 
  • Include Dispute Resolution Methods - Should any disagreement arise concerning the lease, set out the mechanism that will be used to resolve it.
  • Allowance for Business-Related Changes - The agreement should provide some leeway for tenants to make necessary modifications to the premises, subject to the landlord's approval.
Fillable online North Carolina Commercial Lease Agreement
(4.5 / 5) 63 votes
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