Fillable Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form


(5 / 5) 102 votes

Get your Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form

What is the Non-federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form Tax Return?

Bank of America Direct Deposit Form is an official non-federal form that allows an employer to gather all the needed information to start making payments directly to an account of an employee who submitted the document. Bank of America Direct Deposit Form isn’t accompanied by any other forms. The applicant has to submit it alone.

Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request on PDFLiner

What I need the Bank of America Direct Deposit Form for?

Bank of America Direct Deposit Form:

  • Allows the employer to make direct payments to an employee’s account;
  • Enables a Direct Deposit option for 3 accounts (employers have the right to refuse to provide it).

Do not: Submit the filled form in an inappropriate department of the current place of employment to avoid undisclosing of sensitive personal information.

The deadline for the form can be established by an employer, but an employee preserves the right to insist on the fastest processing possible.

Filling out Bank of America Direct Deposit Form

Download the PDF form and read the 4 statements in the box at the top of the page. Then provide all the required information about the employer, including the name of the person in charge or the company name and employer’s address. In the next section, enter the preferred destination of payments. In case there is only one destination, fill out the first account section. Then fill the Account Number field, provide the ABA Routing Number of the Branch that holds your account. Now you can enter the Deposit Amount in the most suitable format (percentage, dollar amount, or balance if you have split accounts. Finally, agree with the submission rules and send the document.

Signing Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request on PDFLiner

Organizations that work with Non Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form Bank of America

Employers and companies that allow Bank of America Direct Deposit.

Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form FAQ

  • What is a Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form?

    This form serves as an authorization form for the Bank of America employees who want to receive payments with direct deposits of ACH credits that will be stored in the Bank of America employees’ accounts. 

  • How to fill out a non-federal direct deposit enrollment request form?

    You can use the PDFLiner online form editor to fill your direct deposit enrollment form. This will take the following steps:

    • Enter employer name and information;
    • Provide the information about your accounts, including account type, number, ABA routing number, and the needed deposit amount;
    • Enter your name and address at the bottom of the form;
    • Sign and add date to the form. 
Fillable online Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form
(5 / 5) 102 votes
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