New York Form IT-2104

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Get your New York Form IT-2104 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

What Is The New York State IT 2104

Form The New York State IT 2104 form, often called the Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, is a crucial document for anyone who earns an income in the Empire State. This form allows employees to determine the amount of state income tax that should be withheld from their paychecks. Tailoring tax withholdings to each individual's circumstances means workers can better manage their annual tax liabilities, potentially avoiding underpayment penalties or oversized tax refunds that give the government an interest-free loan.

When to Use New York State Tax Form IT-2104

Individuals should use the New York state tax form IT-2104 in various situations, such as when starting a new job or when personal or financial circumstances change. This could include life events like marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or a change in income. Additionally, those who consistently owe money or receive large refunds after filing their taxes may also consider updating their IT-2104 to align withholdings with their actual tax responsibility better.

How To Fill Out New York State Tax Form IT 2104

Personal Information:

At the top, enter your first and middle initial, last name, and Social Security number.


Provide your permanent home address, including the number and street or rural route, city, village, or post office, and your apartment number if applicable.

ZIP Code:

Enter the ZIP code of your permanent home address.

Filing Status:

Select the appropriate filing status by marking "Single or Head of household," "Married," or "Married but withhold at a higher single rate." If you’re married but legally separated, select "Single or Head of household."

Residency Information:

Indicate whether you are a New York City or Yonkers resident by marking “Yes” or “No” in the provided boxes.

Certification and Signature

Read the certification, and if you agree, sign and date the form to verify that you are entitled to the number of allowances you've claimed. Remember, there are penalties for false statements.

Form Versions

2023 New York Form IT-2104 (2023) Fill Out Form
Fillable online New York Form IT-2104
(4.6 / 5) 94 votes
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