Fillable IMM 5604 Form

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(4.9 / 5) 98 votes
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Get your IMM 5604 Form in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

What Is an IMM 5604 Form?

An IMM 5604 form is an official document released by the Government of Canada that separates and dispensations apply. If you’re a foreign resident and need to notify the authorities about your family background, this form is what allows you to do so. The document requests information about your parents and siblings, providing an understanding of your background to the government.

Purpose of the form IMM 5604

Knowing why this form is mandatory can be helpful when filling it out. Under Canadian immigration laws, every temporary resident must present their family details. This allows the government to be aware of who is in the country, understand their personal histories, mitigate potential risks, and manage the residents' affairs effectively. So, the IMM 5604 form essentially fulfills this mandate.

How to Fill Out the IMM 5604 Form

Understanding how to fill out the form is a primary step, so here are the basic steps to follow:

  1. Click on the first field and input your full name in capitals.
  2. Find the next field titled "Child's full name". Provide the full name of your child in capital letters in this field.
  3. Proceed to the "Child's date of birth" section. Input your child’s date of birth following the format mentioned on the form, which is YYYY-MM-DD.
  4. Under the “Parent/Guardian name” field, write your full name if you are the parent or guardian.
  5. Navigate to the "Relationship to child" section. Specify your relationship to the child (e.g., mother, father, guardian).
  6. If there is a second parent or guardian, input their full name in the field titled "Parent/Guardian name".
  7. Specify the relationship of the second parent or guardian to the child in the “Relationship to child” field.
  8. Scroll to the "Signature" field. Here sign your name electronically.
  9. Input the current date in the "Date (YYYY-MM-DD)" section.
  10. Provide your emergency contact telephone number in the field titled "Emergency contact telephone number".
  11. The witness must complete the "Place" field. This refers to the location where the form is being filled and witnessed.
  12. The witness should input their title and full name in block letters in the "Witness title and name in block letters" field.
  13. If the witness is a notary public, they must provide their professional chop/stamp in the space titled "Witness professional chop/stamp". 
  14. In the final section labelled "Signature of witness", the witness must provide their signature.

Remember to thoroughly review your form before saving and submitting it to ensure all details are accurate and complete. Note that providing false or misleading information on this form may have serious implications or penalties over time.

Required documentation

Certain documents must be attached to substantiate the claims made in the IMM 5604 form. These include:

  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate or adoption papers.
  • Proof of the parent or guardian's identity, such as a passport.
  • Documentation showing the non-accompanying parent or guardian’s lawful authority over the child.
  • If applicable, a copy of a court order relating to custody rights.

Form Versions

2015 IMM 5604 Form (2015) Fill Out Form
Fillable online IMM 5604 Form
(4.9 / 5) 98 votes
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