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Illinois Tax Form Schedule 1299-C

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Get your Illinois Tax Form Schedule 1299-C in 3 easy steps

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  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Illinois Tax Form Schedule 1299-C

What Is the Illinois Form 1299 C?

Form 1299 C is a tax schedule exclusive to the state of Illinois. It is required by residents who want to claim credits on their income tax. These credits may include property tax, education expense, or earned income credits. By correctly filling out this form, taxpayers may substantially decrease their tax obligations.

Illinois Tax Form Schedule 1299-C Screenshot

Understanding the Illinois income tax form 1299 C

The Illinois state tax form 1299 C is divided into several parts, each with its own specific function. Part A deals with nonrefundable credits, for instance, your River Edge Redevelopment Zone Investment Credit or your Property Tax Credit. Part B, on the other hand, handles your refundable credits, like your Earned Income Credit. The form even includes a section where you can dictate how your refund, if any, will be distributed.

How to Fill Out the Illinois Tax Form 1299 C

The key question is: how to fill out this Illinois form? Here are some general steps to get you started:

  1. Start by filling out the "Taxpayer information" section at the top of the form, with the "Identification Number" slot referring to your social security number (SSN).
  2. Next, if applicable to you, fill out the "River Edge Redevelopment Zone Dividend Subtraction" section. You will need to supply the name of your corporation ("Corporation's name"), name of the specific zone ("Name of zone"), and the dividend amount ("Dividend amount").
  3. Proceed to the "High Impact Business within a Foreign Trade Zone (or sub-zone) Dividend Subtraction" section. As before, you will need to provide details like your corporation's name, the relevant zone, and the dividend amount.
  4. If you earned any of these income tax credits during your current tax year, complete the 'Worksheets' section. Here, provide information about your tax earnings and calculate accordingly.
  5. Move to the "Adopted Child Information" part of the form. If it does not apply to you skip this step. If it does, you'll need to provide personal details about your adopted child like their name, date of birth, and SSN.
  6. At this point, you're ready to tackle the "Figure your credit" section. This will involve some calculations based on previous sections, as you need to subtract any dividends you received from your total tax income to derive your credit amount.
  7. Finally, complete the "Figure your Income Tax Credit" section. This requires calculations based on information from previous parts of the form. Follow the instructions carefully to calculate your due tax.
  8. Make sure all the information you provide is correct. Afterward, you may save the form, download it, print or share it.

Tips for completing the Illinois tax form schedule 1299-C

One pro-tip when dealing with the Illinois state tax form 1299 C is to keep genuine and well-defined records throughout the year. This not only helps to authenticate your claims but also aids in ensuring that you’ve maximized every possible credit. Secondly, don’t hesitate to ask for professional guidance if you’re unsure about certain aspects of the form. Specialized tax advisors can help you navigate any uncertainties and fill in the form correctly.

Form Versions

2022 Illinois Tax Form Schedule 1299-C (2022) Fill Out Form
Fillable online Illinois Tax Form Schedule 1299-C
(5 / 5) 96 votes
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