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Get your Illinois Form IL-1040-ES (2024) in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill Illinois Form IL-1040-ES (2024)
  • 02 Sign it online Sign Illinois Form IL-1040-ES (2024)
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export Illinois Form IL-1040-ES (2024)

Understanding the IL-1040-ES Form

Before progressing to the online payment process, it’s important to understand the IL-1040-ES form. This form is issued by the Illinois revenue department for use by residents who are due to make estimated tax payments. Particularly, self-employed individuals, business owners, and those with additional income not subject to withholding should become well-acquainted with this form.

IL-1040-ES Screenshot

Key features of the form IL-1040-ES

The functionality of the form IL-1040-ES demands that taxpayers estimate the income they'll earn throughout the year and prepay their taxes accordingly. It includes multiple vouchers, each representing a fiscal quarter. These are to be filled out and sent with the corresponding estimated payment.

Steps to Fill Out IL 1040 ES Pay Online 

Learning how to fill out the form is significant for a seamless tax-paying experience. Mistakes or oversights can result in processing delays or even penalties from the authorities. Here are the essential steps to fill out the IL-1040-ES:

  1. Enter "Your Social Security number" into the corresponding input field. Make sure to double-check this information, as it is a crucial part of your identification and tax data.
  2. In the "Spouse’s Social Security number" field, input your spouse's Social Security number if you are filing jointly. This is important for the verification of your joint taxes.
  3. Type your initial and first name in the specific space provided. Make sure your name is spelled correctly to prevent any mistakes in your tax records.
  4. Insert your spouse’s first name and initial in the respective space, if applicable. The correct input will ensure the smooth processing of your joint documents.
  5. In the appropriate field, input your last name. Ensuring the correct spelling will help prevent any issues with your tax return.
  6. Fill in your "street address" in the dedicated area on the form. Accurate address information is necessary for any correspondence or payments.
  7. Input your city name in the "City" space provided.
  8. Select your "state" from the drop-down menu in the given field.
  9. Type your "ZIP" in the dedicated space. This information is essential for proper postal route information.
  10. Input your daytime phone number in the respective area. This contact information will be used in case of any questions or issues regarding your document.
  11. In the "Amount of payment" field, input the whole dollar value of the payment you are making for your taxes. Ensure to check this figure to ensure the accurate processing of your payment.

Benefits of the form IL 1040 ES

Using the form IL-1040-ES offers taxpayers a streamlined process to pay taxes they owe throughout the year, thus avoiding one large tax bill during tax season. This helps to spread tax obligations more evenly across the year while assisting the state of Illinois in managing tax revenue flow. 

Form Versions

2023 IL-1040-ES (2023) Fill Out Form
Fillable online Illinois Form IL-1040-ES (2024)
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