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IL-W-4 - Illinois Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate


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Get your IL-W-4 - Illinois Employees and other Payees Withholding Allowance Certificate in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template Fill IL-W-4 - Illinois Employees and other Payees Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • 02 Sign it online Sign IL-W-4 - Illinois Employees and other Payees Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • 03 Export or print immediately Export IL-W-4 - Illinois Employees and other Payees Withholding Allowance Certificate

What Is the IL W-4 Form 2023?

The form IL W-4 is an essential document for employees and other payees across the state of Illinois. It's a withholding allowance certificate that informs employers of the amount of state income tax to withhold from a paycheck.

The IL W-4 form 2022 and 2023 continued the trend of ensuring that workers coming from outside Illinois but working within the state have their taxation interests adequately protected. It tells an employer not to withhold any tax from such workers since they aren't Illinois residents.

Illinois Employee's and other Payee's Withholding Allowance Certificate Screenshot

Updated IL form W-4

Every year, the Illinois Department of Revenue releases an updated version of its forms to factor in new state laws or tax changes. The IL form W-4 comes packed with several sections. One section is for your employer's use, a computation worksheet for those married and filing jointly, a line to nominate additional withholding amounts if desired, and a section for non-residents who are exempt from Illinois State Income Tax.

How to Fill Out Form IL W 4

If you want to complete form IL-W-4 2023 properly, then this part of the guide will offer assistance. The process isn't too complicated, but it's essential to follow each section meticulously to avoid any errors that could impact your withholding amounts.

  1. Begin by determining your 'Basic Personal Allowances.' Look at the checklist and mark any checkbox that applies. Count these checked boxes and document the tally.
  2. List the number of dependents you plan to claim on your tax return (not counting you or your spouse). This number should be entered next to 'Enter the number of dependents.'
  3. Add together the totals from lines 1 and 2. Write this sum on 'Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter the result.'
  4. Next, you should enter the total number of 'Basic Personal Allowances' you wish to claim based on your tally from the previous step. This should be added on the provided line and on 'Line 1 of Form IL-W-4' mentioned below. This total is less than your previous sum but can also be zero.
  5. Now, move on to 'Additional Allowances.' Once again, check off any boxes that apply to you. Count these boxes and record the total on 'Enter the total number of boxes you checked.'
  6. If you had any deductions listed on Line 4, add these deductions to any additional deductions or subtractions specific to Illinois and enter the total on 'Enter any amount that you reported on Line 4 of the Deductions Worksheet for federal Form W-4 plus any additional Illinois subtractions or deductions.'
  7. Divide the number from Step 6 by 1000, then round to the nearest whole number. Record this value under 'Divide Line 6 by 1,000. Round to the nearest whole number. Enter the result on Line 7.'
  8. Sum the totals from lines 5 and 7 and write this sum in the appropriate box. 
  9. You'll then specify the total number of 'Additional Allowances' you want to declare. This total should be placed next to 'Enter the total number of additional allowances you elect to claim on Line 2, below.' Like with your 'Basic Personal Allowances,' this can be fewer than your previous sum, but cannot exceed it. Enter zero if it does. 
  10. Then fill out the personal information section. Ensure to enter your full legal name and your residential address, which includes your city, state, and ZIP code.
  11. Upon successfully signing and dating your form, you may download your completed form.

Importance of changes in IL W-4 form

Data already entered in your Il-W-4 2022 form should inform your tax preparation. That is why updating and accurate this form is vital to avoid under-or-over withholding tax. The form goes through periodic revisions, and changes are typically implemented at the start of a new year. Every update is designed to more accurately reflect individual financial situations but may require additional input from the taxpayer.

Fillable online IL-W-4 - Illinois Employees and other Payees Withholding Allowance Certificate
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