Fillable Form VA-4


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Get your Form VA-4 in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

What Is Virginia VA-4 Form?

Simply put, the VA Form VA-4 is the state of Virginia’s equivalent to the W-4 provided by the federal government. This form aids employees in determining the exact amount of state income tax that their employers should withhold from their earnings. The obligation to fill out this form is not selective; it is necessary for every employee who works in Virginia, providing crucial financial information for both the employer and the state tax department.

Virginia tax form VA 4 essentials 

The first part of the Virginia form VA 4 involves providing basic information such as name, address, and social security number. It requires an understanding of your personal withholding conditions, which may involve your marital status, number of dependents, among others.

Upon completion, the form is given to your employer. Remember, not giving your employer a VA-4 form will result in the maximum amount of tax being withheld from your paycheck, so completing it accurately can be beneficial.

How to Fill Out the VA-4 Tax Form

Here is where the completing Virginia form VA-4 aspect comes into play. The form VA-4 Virginia requires key steps to ensure accuracy:

  1. Personal Information: Start completing the form by entering your personal data in the relevant fields, which include the Full Legal Name (Last, First, Middle Initial), Social Security Number, and Residential home address.
  2. Marital Status: Choose your marital status. You need to check one of the boxes that represent your current marital status: “Single”, “Married”, or “Married, but withhold at higher Single rate”.
  3. Exemptions: Observe the section 'Personal Exemptions'. If you intend to claim oneself, insert '1' in the field. If you have dependents, add '1' for each eligible dependent claimed. Combine these numbers to reflect the total number of exemptions you are claiming.
  4. Deduction for Age: Coming to the 'Deduction for Age 65 or over or blind', you should check the box if you or your spouse (if filing jointly) are 65 years or older or blind. Insert the total number of boxes checked.
  5. Additional Amount: In the 'You may designate additional withholding per pay period' section, fill in a specified amount if you wish to have an extra amount withheld from each of your paychecks.
  6. Exemption from Virginia Income Tax Withholding: If you are exempted from Virginia income tax withholding, check the box provided in this section and enter the last year you owed income tax.
  7. Employer Information: Enter the requested employment details in the 'Employer Use Only' section, such as Employer Name, Address, Federal ID number, and type of Employer.
  8. Signature: After providing all the required information, sign and put the date on the form. 

Making sense of form VA 4 Virginia

As you embark on the task of filling out your Form VA 4 Virginia, understanding its intricate details is crucial. Remember - this form works in your favor to ensure that the correct tax amount is methodically deducted from your paycheck during the year.

Although tax-related documents can seem intimidating, especially to those experiencing them for the first time, guides like these are designed to demystify the process. Meticulously follow the detailed steps provided when completing your Virginia VA-4 form, and you'll sail through without trouble.

Fillable online Form VA-4
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