Fillable Form 945 (2021)

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Get your Form 945 (2021) in 3 easy steps

  • 01 Fill and edit template
  • 02 Sign it online
  • 03 Export or print immediately

What Is Form 945 2021?

Form 945 for the year 2021 is an essential IRS document that businesses and other payers utilize to report federal income tax withheld from non-payroll payments. It's a crucial form that ensures taxes on certain income are collected and paid to the federal government throughout the year.

When to Use IRS Form 945 for 2021

IRS Form 945 for 2021 should be used in various situations, each involving payments that are not considered wages, salaries, or tips. Here is a list of scenarios where you need to file this form:

  • They report backup withholding amounts on payments such as interest and patronage dividends.
  • Withholding on pensions, annuities, IRAs, insurance contracts, and other similar types of income.
  • Tax withholding on gambling winnings, payment cards, and third-party network transactions if subject to reporting.
  • They are reporting voluntary withholding on certain government payments like unemployment compensation.

How to Fill Out 2021 Form 945

Filling out the 2021 Form 945 involves a multi-step process. This guide will take you through each required step:

Step 1: Identify the Payer:

Enter the payer's EIN, name, and address. These details are crucial to identify the entity responsible for reporting the withheld taxes.

Step 2: Report Taxes:

Proceed to the box labeled 'Reported Taxes.' This box should include the total federal income tax you withheld from non-payroll items for the entire year.

Step 3: Adjustment for Overpayment:

In the case of overpayment from the prior year that you want to apply to this year's tax, document it on the appropriate line.

Step 4: Total Liability for the Year:

Provide the total tax liability amount for the year on the respective line if it varies from the total taxes reported.

Step 5: Sign and Date:

The form must be signed and dated by the payer or an individual authorized to act on their behalf, ensuring that all outlined information is correct.

When to File 2021 Form 945

The deadline for filing Form 945 for the tax year 2021 is January 31, 2022. The deadline is pushed to the next business day if the due date falls on a weekend or legal holiday. For those who made deposits on time in full payment of the taxes for the year, there is an extended due date until February 10, 2022.

Form Versions

2023 Form 945 for 2023 tax year Fill Out Form
2022 Form 945 for 2022 tax year Fill Out Form
2020 Form 945 for 2020 tax year Fill Out Form

Fillable online Form 945 (2021)
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